St. John’s Episcopal Church
207 Albany Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401

The Good News of St. John’s

  1. April 26th

    The Good News from St. John’s Kingston

    What’s happening this Sunday?

    • Deacon Sue Bonsteel will preach for us this Sunday. Don’t miss it!
    • Parents, please bring your young ones upstairs for the beginning of worship. We have a Sunday School activity planned for the children.
    • After worship, stay for a conversation about the Parish Life Committee. See the description below.

    Parish Life Committee 

    What is a Parish Life Committee? There are congregations of all sizes across the Episcopal Church who have a Parish Life Committee. This group is basically about food and parties. While the Vestry makes decisions about the temporal assets of a church (building, money, etc.), the Parish Life Committee brings the fun!

    Things like: game nights, special Sunday receptions, Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper… or even fundraisers or community events.

    And the Parish Life Committee needs YOU! No one wants to have the responsibility of running an event all on their shoulders, so this group ensures that doesn’t happen. If you’re already bringing things for potlucks and brunches, you’ve got the stuff to be involved in this vital ministry.

    Join us this Sunday after worship to talk more about it!


    From Our Warden

    Dear Friends,

    I wanted to reassure you of the Vestry’s commitment to you during the upcoming months. With Michelle’s departure, it is important that the community of St. John’s continues to works together for our mission to be a bridge of God’s love to each other and to the community. We all care deeply about St. John’s and one another. Although we do not know the path that the Holy Spirit may take us, we do know that with love and prayer that we will be guided to make the best decisions possible, Please reach out to me or any members of the vestry about your concerns, questions and suggestions. Deacon Sue continues to be a wonderful pastoral support for all of us.

    Currently, we are working on a plan for having a wonderful brunch to celebrate Michelle on her last Sunday with us, June 2 after worship. Join us for this special celebration of the time we have had together.

    We are also working to formalize a plan for the months of June, July, and August. This will include several opportunities for worship with supply priests, celebrating with Holy Cross/Santa Cruz, Morning Prayer, and other options. We are also working with our new Canon to the Ordinary, the Rev. Canon Alissa Newton to explore many options for the future life of St. Johns. We will be sharing more information as it unfolds. But most importantly, let us hold each other in prayer and support.

    Our community is strong and the future holds possibilities yet unknown. This is a sign of faith.

    Be well, my friends,
    (845) 380-8413


    The Fabric of Church Life

    Dear Ones,

    As I prepare to leave my role as your rector on June 2, I have been “walking down memory lane,” as the old adage goes. Remembering so many meals with parishioners and chats over coffee. Thinking about tender moments in the lives of so many of you as well as our collective life as a community.  And all the Sundays and Easters and Christmases. Eight years holds so many memories that will forever be etched on my heart. I’m a grateful woman.

    In all of these memories, the pieces that come strongest to my attention are like threads of a fabric – communication and care.

    Communication is how we know we are in relationship with another person. I recall a bishop talking about this and she said that, when we stop to think about it, our entire relationship with a person is built on the interactions we’ve had with them. I, for one, know that I am always incredibly grateful when someone takes the time to communicate something to me – whether that be appreciation/gratitude or even fears/concerns when they help to communicate a deeper desire. We humans need to communicate because we need to know who we are for each other.

    Caring, like love, is an active verb. I think we best demonstrate our care by showing up – participating in worship, social hour, planning, helping with projects. These are all ways we demonstrate our care for one another. And, of course, offering a caring word or just listening when someone is having a difficult time or celebrating something that’s meaningful.

    Communication and care are the weft and warp of the fabric that is our common life as Church. Without them both, community falls apart. With them, community can never be broken.

    As the community of St. John’s begins to move through this transition, I ask that you keep both of these as a focus. And please stay tuned to this Newsletter as the primary tool of communication from the Vestry.

    In God’s love and mine,
    Rev. Michelle

  2. April 21st

    The Good News from St. John’s Kingston

    Coming Up at St. John’s

    What’s happening this Sunday?

    • It’s the third Sunday of the month and that means it’s Healing Sunday so we will have someone offering healing prayers during Communion.
    • After worship, there is Choir Rehearsal. Please reach out to our Director of Music, Terry Earles, if you’re interested in becoming a part of the choir.
    • The regular St. John’s Vestry Meeting will be at 11:45. If you’d like to reach out to a member of vestry for any reason, you will find their names listed in the bulletin each Sunday. And, you’ll find copies of the current parish directory available in the Sacristy.


    The Fabric of Church Life

    Dear Ones,

    As we announced last week, my final Sunday with St. John’s will be June 2. As I prepare to leave this loving community, the Vestry has begun to make plans to guide the community of St. John’s in this transition.

    And I just want to reiterate what I said in my letter to you last week. This is when the Vestry will need your commitment and support. More specifically: What does that look like?

    • Assume the best intentions of everyone.
    • Communicate your questions to the members of vestry.
    • Respond to requests for assistance – more hands make light work. Remember, the Vestry has a lot on their shoulders right now.
    • Respond to requests for input – there will be times when the Vestry needs to hear from you so please take the time and don’t assume your voice doesn’t matter. It does!
    • Come to worship together.
    • Pray for one another.
    • Remember that God is in this with you.

    All of this is the fabric of our common life together as Christ’s body.

    More information is coming as the Vestry makes plans. Please stay tuned to this Newsletter as the primary tool of communication from the Vestry.

    In God’s love and mine,
    Rev. Michelle


    Announcements for April 21:
    The Fourth Sunday of Easter

    St. John’s Office Hours
    Wednesdays 10:00-12:00 noon
    Thursdays 1:00-4:00 pm
    Phone: 845-331-2252

    • Pastoral Care Meeting: Sunday, May 5 after worship. Come and be a part of the compassion and care fabric of St. John’s. Pastoral Care is about finding ways to reach out to anyone who needs a little extra care as we learn to care for one another more deeply in Christ’s love. Talk to Laura Ricci for more information.
    • Parish Life Committee: St. John’s is forming a new group who will oversee the church calendar and organize events like fundraisers, dinners, and celebrations. We’re all about food and parties! Come and learn more at the introductory forum on April 28 after worship.
    • Sunday School Assistance: Our Godly Play program is an integral part of life at St. John’s. Here’s how you can help: Volunteer to be the assistant. You don’t have to prepare anything, you just have to be present for the first half of worship with the children and our Godly Play Storyteller. Please talk to Leah for more information.
    • Did you know we have an Anglican Rosary? If you are interested in learning about it, you are invited to join Rita Carver, an Education for Ministry mentor, on Saturday mornings at 9:00 to learn to pray our Rosary. To sign up or learn more contact Rita at
    • Page Turners Book Club meets the first Thursday of the month, at 2 pm, in the parish hall. New members are always welcome! Upcoming selections: May 2: North Woods by Daniel Mason. Speak to Lynn Dennison, Barbara Johnston, or Claudette Ford for more info.
    • Online Morning Prayer: Join hundreds of others from across the Episcopal Diocese of New York every weekday morning at 8:00 am. Start your day with prayer, connection, and peace. Go to to join.
    • Choir Rehearsal takes place on the third Sunday every month. Please speak with Terry Earles to learn more about the choir.
    • Social Hour Sign-up: If you enjoy staying after worship for snacks and socializing, please sign up to host! The sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the vestibule. Talk to Barbara Johnston at 845-594-2181.
  3. April 13, 2024 – Special Announcement

    A message from Rev. Michelle and a message from Deacon Sue Bonsteel and Warden Leah Siuta.


    Dear Ones,

    It is with a mixture of sadness and hope that I share with you my decision to leave St. John’s. In some ways, this was not an easy decision and in other ways it was a very simple one.

    When I came to St. John’s after being on a bishop’s staff, it was because I wanted to pastor a parish community – to be a part of and learn more about the fabric of parish life. And now, after 8 years of walking with you as your Rector, it’s time for me to explore another call/position in the Church. I don’t yet know what that will look like or where that will be.

    And the time has come for St. John’s to discern how God is calling you to continue living into your common life in Christ. The financial concerns that St. John’s is facing, while difficult, are certainly not insurmountable. You have resources and options. You also have a new Bishop and his staff who care very deeply about our congregations. It’s clear to me that St. John’s is being called to new life and I don’t know what that will look like. But I do know that, in order for it to happen, you must continue without me as your Rector.

    The reason that this has been a simple decision for me is because of the clarity I have received in prayer and in conversation with trusted advisors. And, honestly, that clarity comes because of my love for you. Which is also the reason that this has not been an easy decision – it’s never easy to leave people you love.

    In 2016-17, soon after my arrival, we discerned a new mission statement – to be a bridge of God’s Love. As I reflect, I recall the times of celebration and great joy as well as the moments in which we supported one another though difficultly. Throughout, we remained committed to one another and to Christ. There is no question that St. John’s is an open and affirming community and we have grown because of that commitment to being a bridge of God’s love. Those of you who joined St. John’s after the start of the pandemic, I hope you know how much the community is deepened by your presence and your commitment. Today, St. John’s is a bridge of God’s Love, a community that witnesses to the truth that all are welcome at God’s Table.

    Your Vestry will need your commitment and support as they move forward in discernment. Deacon Sue Bonsteel and your Warden Leah Siuta will be your wise guides. My final worship service with you will be Sunday, June 2. After that, I will be spending the months of June, July, and August on sabbatical and in discernment. During this time, Ana and I will continue to live in the Rectory.

    It has been my privilege to be your Rector. I have learned much and have grown as a priest during this time. My faith in Christ has deepened because of you and Ana and I are both grateful for the love you have shown to us these past years. I feel a kinship with you as a community and genuine love for each of you. So, as your priest and your friend, I will miss you. My comfort lies in the teaching of our Savior Jesus Christ, who tells us that this love will not be broken because love itself never dies.

    In God’s love and mine,
    Rev. Michelle



    Dear Friends,

    We imagine that after reading Michelle’s letter you are experiencing a range of emotions. We want you to know that whatever you are feeling is understandable and that you are not alone. We invite you talk with us, to share your concerns and to offer your support to one another. Many of us have gone through several transitions here at St. John’s and we know that this time can offer unique challenges. However, it may also offer opportunities to deepen our relationships and surprise us with unexpected blessings. It is important to remember that God is always with us.

    We want to express our love, appreciation, and best wishes to Michelle and Ana as they discern what’s next for them. They have both shared their gifts of ministry with St. John’s and have built strong relationships. Yet we also acknowledge that this will be a challenging time for them as well. Our prayer for them is that their future may be filled with many new opportunities to share God’s love with others as they have shared God’s love with us.

    Please be reassured that our Vestry will also be using these upcoming months to discern the possibilities for St. John’s. While we at this moment are unsure of what lies ahead, we are filled with the knowledge that we are still a strong, caring community of love for one other. We are committed to our mission that we are a Bridge of God’s Love to the World. There are many avenues to consider going forward. And we ask for your thoughts, concerns, ideas, and prayers as we do this work together.

    We will be working closely with the Rev. Alissa Newton, who is the Canon to the Ordinary, and with the support of the Diocese of New York. Please join us in prayer for our church family that we will continue to live fully into all that God is calling us to be. May we embrace this journey with a sense of gratitude and hope.

    Sue   The Rev. Deacon Susan Bonsteel (retired)

    Leah  Leah Siuta, Warden

  4. April 4, 2024

    Coming Up at St. John’s

    This Sunday: All Ages Worship

    This Sunday is All Ages Worship and Rev. Michelle will tell the story of Doubting Thomas. Well, she will tell a story about him and how important questions are in our faith lives. See you Sunday morning at 10:00 am!


    New Life in the Season of Easter

    Dear Ones,

    Alleluia! Christ is risen!

    Although this week may have been a little on the cold and wet side, I know we can all see evidence of springtime coming up alongside us. Bushes and trees are leafing. Daffodils are all over the place. Forsythia are flaming into bloom. It’s early spring in New York.

    As I reflect on this during the first week of Easter, I am reminded of how important it is for us to pay attention. Especially as we grow older, I think it’s easy for us to grow disenchanted with life. In something as amazing as early spring – with all that happens in this season – we can so easily stop paying attention to it because… we see it every spring.

    But I hope for you that you stop awhile, in the busyness of your lives, and offer your attention. Offer your attention to the new life as it arises from the earth, how delicate and how powerful this new life is. Consider all the factors and conditions that have gone into producing a simple bud on a tree. Why a daffodil is shaped the way it is. What it means that life goes through cycles instead of just continuing to produce and produce and produce all the time.

    It’s when we stop all of the task work and just rest in the glory of God that we find we experience new life. So, rest in this glory. Let it spark your imagination. Allow it to wash over you and take root in your soul.

    This is Easter. Alleluia!

    In God’s love and mine,
    Rev. Michelle



    Announcements for April 7: The Second Sunday of Easter

    St. John’s Office Hours
    Wednesdays 10:00-12:00 noon
    Thursdays 1:00-4:00 pm
    Phone: 845-331-2252

    • Baptisms! May 19: Rev. Michelle will be baptizing people on May 19, the Feast of Pentecost – that’s just a few weeks away! If you are interested in baptism for either yourself or your child, please reach out ASAP to Rev. Michelle so that she can provide preparation. Email her at
    • Sunday School Assistance: Our Godly Play program is an integral part of life at St. John’s. Here’s how you can help: Volunteer to be the assistant. You don’t have to prepare anything, you just have to be present for the first half of worship with the children and our Godly Play Storyteller. Please talk to Leah for more information.
    • Did you know we have an Anglican Rosary? If you are interested in learning about it, you are invited to join Rita Carver, an Education for Ministry mentor, on Saturday mornings at 9:00 to learn to pray our Rosary. To sign up or learn more contact Rita at
    • Page Turners Book Club meets the first Thursday of the month, at 2 pm, in the parish hall. New members are always welcome! Upcoming selections: May 2: North Woods by Daniel Mason. Speak to Lynn Dennison, Barbara Johnston, or Claudette Ford for more info.
    • Pastoral Care Meeting May 5: Come and be a part of the compassion and care fabric of St. John’s. Pastoral Care is about finding ways to reach out to anyone who needs a little extra care as we learn to care for one another more deeply in Christ’s love. Talk to Laura Ricci for more information.
    • Online Morning Prayer: Join hundreds of others from across the Episcopal Diocese of New York every weekday morning at 8:00 am. Start your day with prayer, connection, and peace. Go to to join.
    • Choir Rehearsal takes place on the third Sunday every month. Please speak with Terry Earles to learn more about the choir.
    • Social Hour Sign-up: If you enjoy staying after worship for snacks and socializing, please sign up to host! The sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the vestibule. Talk to Barbara Johnston at 845-594-2181.

    St. John’s Upcoming Schedule
    See for more info.

    April 7                   All Ages Worship
    April 13                 Vestry Retreat at Holy Cross Monastery
    April 14                 Godly Play for kids
    April 21                 Healing Sunday; Choir rehearsal; Vestry Meeting
    April 28                 After Worship Forum – St. John’s Parish Life Committee
    May 19                  Feast of Pentecost

  5. March 27, 2024

    Coming Up at St. John’s

    The Paschal Triduum: March 28-30
    (The Three Days before Easter)
    Easter Sunday: March 31

    We have begun our commemoration of Holy Week – the most sacred time in the Christian calendar. This is our time to gather in the deeper meaning of our faith. By participating in ancient Christian rituals, we are able enter into the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection, learning more about why we claim Jesus as our Savior. The story itself gives us incredible insight into what’s happening today – it’s not just something that happened 2000 years ago! And, perhaps, through our participation, we can make a link between our spiritual lives and our worldly lives; granting us insight and hope to see that God’s love permeates creation so completely that even death and violence cannot overcome us. Love is always the final word.

    Maundy Thursday     March 28 at 6:00 pm
    We come together for the ancient rituals of healing prayers, foot-washing, communion, and the stripping of our altar.
    Good Friday     March 29 at 1:00 pm
    We are asked to acknowledge and grieve the difficulties, despair, and sin in our individual and collective lives.
    Holy Saturday Prayers    March 30 at 9:00 am
    We gather for quiet reflection and prayer and then spend time preparing the space for the Easter celebration.
    Great Vigil of Easter     March 30 at 8:00 pm
    Gathering around the new fire, we tell the ancient stories and sing songs of salvation as we celebrate the first witness of the Risen Christ.
    Bring bells from home!
    Easter Sunday     March 31 at 10:00 am
    A traditional Easter Sunday choral Eucharistic worship. Afterwards, Community Brunch and Egg Hunt for kids.
    Bring something to share for brunch



    Thank you to Radio Kingston!

    Not all communities have an amazing community partner like Radio Kingston. Here’s a bit about their story and how it connects with our story at St. John’s.

    Sometime in the 1930’s, after St. John’s moved from Wall St. to our current location we took ownership of the Rectory where Rev. Michelle and Ana currently live, St. John’s sold land to WKNY, a new radio station, so they could build a radio tower. (You can see the current tower behind the Rectory!). For many years WKNY was a commercial radio station that served the area.

    In 2017, Jimmy Buff (a long-time local broadcaster), backed by a Novo Foundation grant, became the new director of WKNY. He changed the format and direction, creating Radio Kingston – a community-based radio station.

    Since then, they have done things like build a solar field under the tower to add energy back into the grid and use the energy credits to help people in need; create community-based programming that gives us all a place for conversation; develop a way to broadcast free internet into the community (of which, we are a recipient); introduce an underwriting program that gives businesses and organizations (like ours!) a way to get our names out there while all the money is directed into the Community Fund that is managed by Family of Woodstock. Phew! That’s a lot!

    And, most recently, they developed a community based event planning and tech team to assist non-profit organizations with planning and audio/video support. This is so great! St. John’s has been gifted with the diagnostic expertise of this team who found the problem with our audio system. Then, they bought us a new amp and came to install it this week!

    So, please reach out and thank Radio Kingston for all their amazing support in our community and their continued support of St. John’s. We are blessed by their work and their mission.


    Things To Take Note Of

    Easter Sunday Community Brunch: THIS SUNDAY! Don’t forget to bring something to share on Easter Sunday. Egg dishes, bagels, rolls, salads, casseroles, fruits, cheeses, juices, meats, sweets… we love our celebration brunches!

    Baptisms! May 19
    Rev. Michelle will be baptizing people on May 19, the Feast of Pentecost. If you are interested in baptism for either yourself or your child, please reach out ASAP to Rev. Michelle so that she can help with preparation. Email her at

    Families Area
    Take notice of the Families Area in the sanctuary. We’ve made it a little softer and a little more organized for our younger kids and their parents.

    Sermons Archive
    Did you know that most all our sermons are posted online? You can visit the St. John’s website to read and/or listen to the archive of sermons. Go to and use the “Celebrate & Pray” drop down menu, then choose “Sermons.”

    Looking to Volunteer? Community Partners
    There is a new page on the St. John’s website: Community Partners. On this page, you will find a listing of those agencies and organizations that St. John’s has a strong connection to. Most of these have volunteer opportunities available. So, if you are looking to volunteer, go to and use the “Serve” drop down menu, then choose “Community Partners.” And let Rev. Michelle know if there are others that should be listed here.


    Announcements for March 28-31
    Triduum and Easter Sunday

    St. John’s Office Hours
    Wednesdays 10:00-12:00 noon
    Thursdays 1:00-4:00 pm
    Phone: 845-331-2252


    • Pastoral Care Meeting: Come and be a part of the compassion and care fabric of St. John’s. Pastoral Care is about finding ways to reach out to anyone who needs a little extra care as we learn to care for one another more deeply in Christ’s love. Talk to Laura Ricci for more information.
    • Sunday School Assistance: Our Godly Play program is an integral part of life at St. John’s. Here’s how you can help: Volunteer to be the assistant. You don’t have to prepare anything, you just have to be present for the first half of worship with the children and our Godly Play Storyteller. Please talk to Leah for more information.
    • Did you know we have an Anglican Rosary? If you are interested in learning about it, you are invited to join Rita Carver, an Education for Ministry mentor, on Saturday mornings at 9:00 to learn to pray our Rosary. To sign up or learn more contact Rita at
    • Page Turners Book Club meets the first Thursday of the month, at 2 pm, in the parish hall. New members are always welcome! Upcoming selections: April 4: All the Beauty in the World by Patrick Bringley; May 2: North Woods by Daniel Mason. Speak to Lynn Dennison, Barbara Johnston, or Claudette Ford for more info.
    • Online Morning Prayer: Join hundreds of others from across the Episcopal Diocese of New York every weekday morning at 8:00 am. Start your day with prayer, connection, and peace. Go to to join.
    • Choir Rehearsal takes place on the third Sunday every month. Please speak with Terry Earles to learn more about the choir.
    • Social Hour Sign-up: If you enjoy staying after worship for snacks and socializing, please sign up to host! The sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the vestibule. Talk to Barbara Johnston at 845-594-2181.

    St. John’s Upcoming Schedule
    See for a full listing.

    April 7             All Ages Worship
    April 13           Vestry Retreat
    April 14           Godly Play for kids
    April 21           Healing Sunday; Choir rehearsal; Vestry Meeting
    May 5              All Ages Worship, Pastoral Care Meeting after worship
    May 12            Godly Play for kids
    May 19            Feast of Pentecost and Baptisms!

  6. March 22nd

    The Good News from St. John’s Kingston

    Coming Up at St. John’s

    This Sunday: Palm Sunday

    March 24 is Palm Sunday, which begins Holy Week on the Christian calendar. The Palm Sunday service is focused on Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. After communion, we retell the Passion of Christ. Palm Sunday is designed to help modern day Christians understand the depth of our faith and how/why it began with the person named Jesus of Nazareth. It’s a powerful liturgy. Leah Siuta will offer a children’s lesson to help our younger members learn about these events in an age appropriate way.

    Holy Week and Easter Sunday: March 24-31

    Next week, we will participate in Holy Week – the time in our Christian calendar when we tell the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection while we participate in ancient Christian rituals, such as processing with palms on Palm Sunday and foot washing on Maundy Thursday. We are asked reflect on humanity as a whole, as well as ourselves, as we contemplate how God’s love permeates creation so completely that even death and violence cannot overcome us because Love is always the final word.

    Palm Sunday     March 24 at 10:00 am
    We begin the story of Jesus’ final days by reflecting on his triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Young people’s lesson will be offered.
    Maundy Thursday     March 28 at 6:00 pm
    We come together for the ancient rituals of healing prayers, foot-washing, communion, and the stripping of our altar.
    Good Friday     March 29 at 1:00 pm
    We are asked to acknowledge and grieve the difficulties, despair, and sin in our individual and collective lives.
    Holy Saturday Prayers    March 30 at 9:00 am
    We gather for quiet reflection and prayer and then spend time preparing the space for the Easter celebration.
    Great Vigil of Easter     March 30 at 8:00 pm
    Gathering around the new fire, we tell the ancient stories of salvation and celebrate the first witness of the Risen Christ. Bring bells from home!
    Easter Sunday     March 31 at 10:00 am
    A traditional Easter Sunday choral Eucharistic worship. Afterwards, Community Brunch and Egg Hunt for kids.

    The Importance of Observing Holy Week

    Dear Ones,

    Like the other Abrahamic faiths (those faiths who claim Abraham as our ancestor – Judaism, Christianity, Islam), Christianity has a an important yearly observance that helps us all to ground ourselves deeply in our faith.

    For all faiths, these holy days are meant to be a spiritual journey – one that helps us touch the edges of sadness so that we can come to know joy more and more completely. Jewish people have the High Holy Days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Muslim people have Ramadan (happening now) which culminates in Eid ul-Fitr. And Christians have Holy Week.

    I invite you, as your priest, into this important observance. I recognize that we all have full lives. And coming to church is usually a social event, as it should be. But Holy Week is not about being social.

    The reason we take this time every year is that it’s important for your spiritual lives. The rituals we participate in during Holy Week are ancient and deeply meaningful ways of claiming your own place in the larger story of God’s hope. The phrase “God’s Love” can be used so often that we start to lose perspective on exactly what that means so we perform these rituals every year because we, as humans, need to be reminded of what we’re talking about when we say “God’s Love.” And as I plan for our time together, I’m praying for you as individuals, as well as for us as the larger community of St. John’s.

    All the days and times are listed above and I hope you will come to observe and participate.

    In God’s love and mine,
    Rev. Michelle

  7. March 14th

    The Good News from St. John’s Kingston

    Coming Up at St. John’s

    This Sunday, March 17

    In addition to being St. Patrick’s Day, we have a full Sunday at St. John’s this week:

    • Healing prayers offered during communion
    • Choir meets for an extended rehearsal after worship
    • Vestry meets at 11:45 in the Parish Hall

    Next Sunday: Palm Sunday

    March 24 is Palm Sunday, which begins Holy Week on the Christian calendar. The Palm Sunday service is focused on Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. After communion, we retell the Passion of Christ. Palm Sunday is designed to help modern day Christians understand the depth of our faith and how/why it began with the person named Jesus of Nazareth. Leah Siuta will offer a children’s lesson to help our younger members learn about these events in an age appropriate way.

    Holy Week and Easter Sunday: March 24-31

    In just a few weeks, we will participate in Holy Week – the time in our Christian calendar when we tell the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection while we participate in ancient Christian rituals, such as processing with palms on Palm Sunday and foot washing on Maundy Thursday. We are asked reflect on humanity as a whole, as well as ourselves, as we contemplate how God’s love permeates creation so completely that death and violence cannot overcome us because Love is always the final word.

    Palm Sunday     March 24 at 10:00 am
    We begin the story of Jesus’ final days by reflecting on his triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Young people’s lesson will be offered.
     Maundy Thursday     March 28 at 6:00 pm
    After sharing a simple soup supper, we continue the story through healing, foot-washing, communion, and the stripping of our altar.
     Good Friday     March 29 at 1:00 pm
    We are asked to acknowledge and grieve the difficulties, despair, and sin in our individual and collective lives.
    Holy Saturday Prayers    March 30 at 9:00 am
    We gather for quiet reflection and prayer and then spend time preparing the space for the Easter celebration.
    Great Vigil of Easter     March 30 at 8:00 pm
    Gathering around the new fire, we tell the ancient stories of salvation and celebrate the first witness of the Risen Christ. Bring bells from home!
    Easter Sunday     March 31 at 10:00 am
    A traditional Easter Sunday choral Eucharistic worship. Afterwards, Community Brunch and Egg Hunt for kids.

    A Lenten Space

    Each week during Lent, Rev. Michelle will post here about resources for spiritual practice and reflection – books, podcasts, websites, etc. While Lent is a specific time of our liturgical year set aside for reflection, most of these resources are not only meant for Lent. Spiritual reflection and practice are things that we are invited to at any time and any place, as we are always called to deepen our relationship with God.

    Looking Towards Holy Week
    Because Holy Week is an important part of our faith as Christians, it’s worthwhile for each of us to make a commitment to honoring this time in some way. Of course we will be worshipping and praying together throughout the week as the congregation of St. John’s (read more above). And devoting some time to reflection, reading, and prayer on our own through the week, can support your own Holy Week journey.

    There will be more offered in next week’s Good News, but here are some ways to begin thinking about creating space in your daily/home lives for the Holy Week journey:

    1. Resources for everyone: How to Make a Home Altar and Wikipedia’s Holy Week article is actually a thorough primer.
    2. Resources for Children/Families: Creating a Lenten Prayer Space and Holy Week in a Box.

    Ongoing List of Lenten Resources


    On Women Priests and the Story of Holy Week

    Dear Ones,

    When I first started attending the Episcopal Church in the early 00’s, it wasn’t long before I learned that our church had been ordaining women since the 1970’s. I remember feeling good about that (women’s rights!) but also a little uneasy. Strange, right? Admittedly, it’s simply because it was a new concept to me. I did not attend any church up to that point. So I had to rearrange my thinking a bit so that I could open myself up to what God was up to in the Episcopal Church: Women priests! Who knew?

    Then, after I had heard a call to the priesthood, it wasn’t until I was already in seminary that I found out more about how much those first women priests went through. I had simply never thought about it and had never been asked to think about it. But in learning this story, I not only have a deeper appreciation for those women and for those who stood with them, I also have a deeper understanding for the events that led up to the crucifixion of Jesus.

    First, they chose to do those ordinations without widely communicating it so the threat of violence would be reduced. Unfortunately, a few days before, the press go hold of the story and immediately, problems arose – threats of violence, bishops backed out of their promise to be there, letters and telegrams were sent and two male clergy appeared at the ordination itself declaring it to be an abomination.

    Those first women priests regularly received death threats. The male clergy who supported them were disciplined, maligned, fired, and/or ostracized. The bishops who ordained them were considered to have betrayed their brother bishops. And it was a long time before those women were allowed to preside at a Eucharistic Table. All of them were told they were destroying the church. All of them were told they were evil.

    When change is needed because of oppression, and God’s Holy Spirit begins to inspire that change, those who have privilege based on “the way things are” are automatically threatened. Sometimes the privileged are able to see what God is up to and use their privilege to help others. But most often, what we see is a dangerous mix of jealousy, fear, anger, and shame that culminates in violence. That violence is always going to be relational and economical (as I’ve described above) and sometimes even becomes physical. This is the cycle of human sin.

    And this cycle of human sin is the story of Holy Week. Jesus was that person – that scapegoat – who became the focus of hatred during a time of extended crisis when the way of life for Jewish people was being threatened by the Roman Empire. Chosen by God, Jesus saw that, during this time of crisis, the religious leaders were further ostracizing those who were in need so that they could gain favor with the Roman leadership. And, at the risk of his own life, he spoke out. He was killed for his teachings and his actions because they threatened the powers that be – both the state and religious leaders.

    This is why movies like The Philadelphia 11 help me to reflect on exactly what we are doing in Holy Week. It’s not just a story that happened a long time ago. It’s something that continues to happen… over and over and over again. So the reason Holy Week is so important to me, personally, is that it’s an opportunity to remember just how lost we are capable of becoming as humans. And how God continues to work through those who are willing, in order to overcome human sin so that we can be resurrected into new life. In so doing, God’s Love rains down to save us from ourselves once again.

    Especially, at this time in our society’s history, we need to tell this story. So I hope you will join us for Holy Week this year and help us all remember this cycle so that together we can also remember God’s Hope for us.

    In God’s love and mine,
    Rev. Michelle

  8. March 8th

    The Good News from St. John’s Kingston

    Coming Up at St. John’s

    This Sunday: Time Change and Godly Play

    This coming Sunday, we take our spring leap forward so remember to set your clocks so you won’t be late for church. And, because it’s the second Sunday of the month, we have Godly Play for our younger members this week. We look forward to seeing you!

    Holy Week and Easter Sunday: March 24-31

    In just a few weeks, we will participate in Holy Week – the time in our Christian calendar when we tell the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection while we participate in ancient Christian rituals, such as processing with palms on Palm Sunday and foot washing on Maundy Thursday. The story, as we know, can be difficult but it is also deeply meaningful for us, spiritually. We are asked reflect on humanity as a whole, as well as ourselves, as we contemplate how God’s love permeates creation so completely that this Love is always the final word.

    Palm Sunday     March 24 at 10:00 am
    We begin the story of Jesus’ final days by reflecting on his triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Young people’s lesson will be offered.
     Maundy Thursday     March 28 at 6:00 pm
    After sharing a simple soup supper, we continue the story through healing, foot-washing, communion, and the stripping of our altar.
     Good Friday     March 29 at 1:00 pm
    We are asked to acknowledge and grieve the difficulties, despair, and sin in our individual and collective lives.
    Holy Saturday Prayers    March 30 at 9:00 am
    We gather for quiet reflection and prayer and then spend time preparing the space for the Easter celebration.
    Great Vigil of Easter     March 30 at 8:00 pm
    Gathering around the new fire, we tell the ancient stories of salvation and celebrate the first witness of the Risen Christ. Bring bells from home!
    Easter Sunday     March 31 at 10:00 am
    A traditional Easter Sunday choral Eucharistic worship. Afterwards, Community Brunch and Egg Hunt for kids.

    A Lenten Space

    Each week during Lent, Rev. Michelle will post here about resources for spiritual practice and reflection – books, podcasts, websites, etc. While Lent is a specific time of our liturgical year set aside for reflection, most of these resources are not only meant for Lent. Spiritual reflection and practice are things that we are invited to at any time and any place, as we are always called to deepen our relationship with God.

    Ignation Spirituality
    St. Ignatius of Loyola was a Spanish priest and theologian who co-founded the Society of Jesus in 1541. Today, this group is more commonly known as the Jesuits, an order of the Roman Catholic Church. Jesuit spirituality or, Ignatian spirituality, is known for its focus on day-to-day living. Ignatius developed a series of spiritual exercises designed to help people reflect on their daily actions. He called this The Prayer of Examen.

    There is a website devoted to Ignatian Spirituality, called simply There you will find an abundance of free resources. Because we are in the season of Lent, you may want to explore the Lenten Resources found there. You will find short videos and other reflections/meditations specifically designed for Lent.

    Ongoing List of Lenten Resources


    The Long Exhale

    Dear Ones,

    I’ve been thinking a lot about breath lately – for several reasons. I’m still dealing with the lingering upper respiratory infection I contracted in January. Ana is practicing her breathing with a device called a spirometer, a common post-surgery/injury exercise. Those are a couple of very practical reasons.

    But I’m also aware that there is an emotional aspect of this. I’ve noticed that, over this past week, my own breath has become deeper and deeper and, just in the last 2 days, I’ve realized that it’s like I’ve exhaled. Finally.

    Every week during Centering Prayer, I invite everyone to gradually take deeper breaths and then invite them to take a longer time on the exhale. The reason for this is simple biology: a longer exhale engages your parasympathetic nervous system, which signals to your entire nervous system that it’s ok to “stand down.” It’s time to relax.

    And, as I reflect, it’s as if I have been holding my breath for the entire month of February. And, if I’m honest, I’ve been holding it even longer than that. Of course, this has so much to do with all of the health issues my loved ones are going through.

    I wonder if you’ve ever felt like that? A time in your life when there was so much happening that, despite your best efforts, it felt like you could never really get to the the place where you could experience the long exhale. A time when you could never really relax and know, on a cellular level, that all will be well. There are people who live their entire lives and never really feel what it’s like to have this kind of exhale.

    For now, I am grateful for the long exhale.

    In God’s love and mine,
    Rev. Michelle

  9. February 23rd

    The Good News from St. John’s Kingston


    This Sunday: Lent II and Children’s Activity Available

    Join us for worship for the Second Sunday in Lent when our lessons will be about Abraham’s covenant with God and Jesus’ rebuke of Peter – “Get behind me Satan!”. You can read this Sunday’s lessons ahead of time here.  And for the younger members, we will have a children’s activity available in the Godly Play Room led by Michelle Hoffman and Sara Hutton.


    Bad Weather? Good Question!

    Are we having worship?
    Anytime we think there may be a travel concern due to weather – either snow or ice – pay close attention to all of our communications channels: Instagram, Facebook, and email. Rev. Michelle will put an announcement out on Saturday sometime before 8:00 pm ONLY IF worship is either canceled OR we move the worship to Zoom. If there is no announcement, we will worship in the sanctuary as normal.

    Who takes care of the parking lot and sidewalks?
    We have a plowing company who comes anytime there is a snowfall of at least 3 inches. They clear the parking lot, driveway, ramp, and sidewalks. If the snow continues, however, they will wait until the snowfall has finished so they don’t have to charge us twice for more than one visit.

    However, if it’s a small snowfall or just ice, it’s up to us as a church community to make sure our entrances and exits are as safe as we can make them. There are shovels and ice melt stored in the vestibule outside the kitchen. If you’re here on one of those sorta-snowy days or if you have an half an hour to come over and make sure the ramp is clear, please do. Call or text Rev. Michelle and she can make sure you get into the building.


    A Lenten Space

    Each week during Lent, Rev. Michelle will post here about resources for spiritual practice and reflection – books, podcasts, websites, etc. While Lent is a specific time of our liturgical year set aside for reflection, most of these resources are not only meant for Lent. Spiritual reflection and practice are things that we are invited to at any time and any place, as we are always called to deepen our relationship with God.

    The Season of Lent is a call to reflection and to consider the systemic brokenness we encounter in the world. One of the most troublesome issues we have here in the Hudson Valley is the housing crisis. We have more people than we have the ability to house and the rental prices have risen sharply since the start of the pandemic.

    In his online Lenten course, Inhabiting the Scriptures: Finding Home in a World of Displacement, Dr. Brian Walsh asks: “What happens if we read the whole biblical witness as a story of home, homelessness, and homecoming?”  Learn more about this course here.

    This is for anyone who seeks a deeper understanding of the Bible and its relation to contemporary life. All are welcome, regardless of denominational or religious affiliation. No prior knowledge of the Bible is necessary. Each class will run on Zoom for two hours with a 5 minute break half-way through. Although the bulk of the class will consist of Brian teaching, participants will also be able to post questions and points for discussion in the chat which Brian will monitor and answer.

    Recordings of each week’s class are available to all who register. The course fee is on a sliding scale. Speak with Rev. Michelle if you would like to receive scholarship monies for this.

    List of Lenten Resources


    What Is Our Offering?

    Dear Ones,

    As most of you know, I’ve become a gardener. For the past several years, Ana and I have spent January planning the garden and then we begin to sow seeds in February. And this year we are not doing any of that. We’re taking the year off from planting flowers and tending a vegetable garden.

    The reasons are simple – Ana is having a major surgery and will not be able to assist with gardening chores and I am planning to be on a sabbatical during the months of June, July, and August so I won’t be around to tend to and harvest what we plant. It’s just a good year to be free of this responsibility.

    I have to admit to feeling a small sense of relief. But I also have to say that I am already missing the garden. I mean, it’s kind of like skipping Christmas. There is no planning, no anticipation. And, the gifts will be different. We have so many perennial flowers and plants so we won’t be in need of things to tend to and nurture and watch unfurl. But I feel like I’m not offering anything to this unfurling myself. So I am missing something.

    As I reflect on this, I am reminded that our sense of belonging is deeply tied to our offering, our personal participation. We get tripped up sometimes by believing that we do not belong. Yet, we can easily forget that the invitation to participate is always there waiting for us to pick it up and respond because we DO belong. In God’s economy, God’s house, we ALWAYS belong.

    Each Sunday before Eucharist, I say: “Let us walk in love as Christ loved us, and offer of ourselves a sacrifice to God.” This isn’t just about putting your pledge into the plate. This offering is your participation in the Eucharist. It’s you saying yes to God’s open invitation to the Banquet of Love. It’s an Amen. A joining-in. The offering of our presence is an acceptance of our own belovedness.

    The question is, then: What is our response? What is our offering?

    In God’s love and mine,
    Rev. Michelle

  10. February 16th


    Lent has begun: Ash Wednesday and Lent I

    This week we marked the beginning of Lent with Ash Wednesday. In addition to two worship services, Rev. Michelle, along with several members of St. John’s Sacristan and Healing Teams, offered Ashes-to-go to about 100 people in front of the church building during commute times in the morning and afternoon. Most of the people who come for Ashes-to-go have distanced themselves from church life for one reason or another so this yearly community outreach is very meaningful as it provides a connection to their faith even if they cannot find their way to church right now.

    This coming Sunday, as we celebrate the First Sunday of Lent, we will begin our worship with the Great Litany – a moment to specifically name all the ways we move away from God’s Love through systemic sin and lament humanity’s choices. The first Sunday of Lent is the only time during the year we pray the Great Litany, as it provides a framework for the examination of our participation in societal transgressions.

    St. John’s Upcoming Schedule

    You can always find the most updated calendar at: 

    Feb 18          Healing Sunday, Choir Rehearsal after worship
    Feb 25          Children’s Formation available
    Mar 2            Ulster Deanery Meeting, 9-2, Holy Cross/Santa Cruz, Kingston
    Mar 3            All Ages Worship, Angel Food East Fundraiser: Mac-n-Cheese Bakeoff at Keegan Ales, 2-5 pm.
    Mar 10          Godly Play for kids
    Mar 17          Healing Sunday, Choir Rehearsal after worship
    Mar 25          Palm Sunday, Children’s Formation available
    Mar 28          Maundy Thursday Dinner and Worship at 6:00 pm
    Mar 29          Good Friday Prayer Service at 1:00 pm
    Mar 30          Holy Saturday, Easter Vigil at 8:00 pm
    Mar 31          Easter Sunday
    April 20         Vestry Retreat


    The Installation and Investiture of the Rt. Rev. Matt Heyd as the 17th Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of New York

    On Saturday, February 10th hundreds of people gathered in the Cathedral of St. John the Divine on Amsterdam Ave in New York City to celebrate the installation and investiture of Bishop Matt Heyd as our new Bishop Diocesan. The diocese elected Matt in December of 2022, and he was consecrated as a bishop last May. This past year Bp. Matt has spent his time getting to know more about the people of the diocese and developing a plan for transitioning the diocese. This celebration marks his full investiture as Diocesan Bishop. Several people from St. John’s made their way to this celebration to participate in the life of our diocese. Enjoy the photos!


    Bad Weather? Good Question!

    Are we having worship?
    Tis the season for challenging weather conditions. Anytime we think there may be a travel concern due to weather, pay close attention to all of our communications channels: Instagram, Facebook, and email. Rev. Michelle will put an announcement out on Saturday sometime before 8:00 pm ONLY IF worship is either canceled OR we move the worship to Zoom. If there is no announcement, we will worship in the sanctuary as normal.

    Who takes care of the parking lot and sidewalks?
    We have a plowing company who comes anytime there is a snowfall of at least 3 inches. They clear the parking lot, driveway, ramp, and sidewalks. If the snow continues, however, they will wait until the snowfall is done so they don’t have to charge us twice for more than one visit.

    However, if it’s a small snowfall or ice, it’s up to us as a church community to make sure our entrances and exits are as safe as we can make them. There are shovels and ice melt stored in the vestibule outside the kitchen. If you’re here on one of those sorta snowy days or if you have an half an hour to come over and make sure the ramp is clear, please do. Call or text Rev. Michelle and she can make sure you get into the building.


    A Lenten Space

    Each week during Lent, Rev. Michelle will post here about resources for spiritual practice and reflection – books, podcasts, websites, etc. While Lent is a specific time of our liturgical year set aside for reflection, most of these resources are not only meant for Lent. Spiritual reflection and practice are things that we are invited to at any time and any place, as we are always called to deepen our relationship with God.

    The season of Lent arose out of the ancient Christian devotional practice of making a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Most religions have a practice of pilgrimage, of course, and this particular practice for Christians was one that paid homage to Jesus and come understand why his death is central to the Christian religion – to walk where he walked, to stay where he stayed, to weep as he wept and as his disciples wept in those days immediately before his crucifixion. We continue this practice in our observance of Holy Week every year.

    To prepare for this pilgrimage, the season of Lent became a time set aside for study, mediation, fasting, confession, and prayer. And this continues to this day. We have created other events around this – like Shrove Tuesday or Mardi Gras – a last hurrah to indulge in and “finish off” of all the things that tempt us – and Ash Wednesday – a practice originally designed for those who were close to death, ashes were sprinkled on their bodies.

    But the season of Lent itself is, perhaps, mostly thought of as a 40 day investment Christians make in our relationship with God. We take this time to consider what gets in the way of our relationship with God and we practice doing something differently. Sometimes this means adding something to our lives.

    To get us started this Lenten season, here are three resources for your consideration:


    An Invitation to a Holy Lent



    A reprise of my homily from Ash Wednesday.

    Dear Ones,

    In her poem called “The Summer Day,” Mary Oliver begins by asking… even demanding… our attention to the sacred. She says:
    Who made the world?
    Who made the swan, and the black bear?
    Who made the grasshopper?

    The awe Oliver expresses here are words of praise. And she continues, leading us into a more devotional prayer – noticing the beauty of this individual bein. She says:
    This grasshopper, I mean —
    the one who has flung herself out of the grass,
    the one who is eating sugar out of my hand,
    who is moving her jaws back and forth instead of up and down —
    who is gazing around with her enormous and complicated eyes.
    Now she lifts her pale forearms and thoroughly washes her face.
    Now she snaps her wings open, and floats away.

    Oliver brings us with her to this moment where she falls in love with this little being. And then beckons us deeper, into the truth of what it means to be beloved of God, saying:
    I don’t know exactly what a prayer is.
    I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down
    into the grass, how to kneel down in the grass,
    how to be idle and blessed, how to stroll through the fields,
    which is what I have been doing all day.
    Tell me, what else should I have done?
    Doesn’t everything die at last, and too soon?
    Tell me, what is it you plan to do
    with your one wild and precious life?

    Oliver’s question is an Ash Wednesday question: Doesn’t everything die at last, and too soon?

    This past Wednesday, I did what I always do on Ash Wednesday. I placed my thumb into the slurry of chrism oil and ashes made from the burned palms of last year’s Palm Sunday. And I “imposed” ashes on the foreheads of all those who came to me as I said the words, “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” Or, as Oliver says, “Doesn’t everything die at last, and too soon?”

    I reminded people of their death. And in these words, as you are reading them now, I am reminding you of your death. And I call this act of imposing ashes, this moment of reminding you of your death… a blessing.
    Yet, not too many people I know of would say that being reminded of one’s death, or of death itself, is a blessing. But it is.

    Not because we hope for heaven, a more peaceful existence than what we currently experience. But this is a blessing because most of the time we take life for granted and live in denial of the very certain, very real fact that everything/everyone does die at last. This is knowledge that we all have. But truly accepting this, is another thing. Because it’s there, in the deep acceptance, that we are invited into to truth. We are beckoned into the mystery that gives life meaning. And we come closer to God. A reminder of death is always a reminder of life. One always points toward the other.

    I don’t believe that the season of Lent is a time for us to think of all the mistakes we have made, chewing on them until our mind becomes shrouded in fog and our heart slows its beat. That is a death, for sure. But that death is not one that leads to resurrection. And we are a resurrection people. I do not believe that God wants our groveling and our painful confessions… unless they lead to new life.

    God just wants us closer. God just wants us to be reconciled to Them. So, I believe that Lent is a season of renewal. A time and space in which we remind ourselves of the truth: That we are dust. That we will return to dust. Because in this truth lies our nourishment, even our refreshment. In this truth lies our possibility. In this truth lies our very life.

    Our death is intimately tied to our life. In this, perhaps we can see that we are as fleeting as the grasshopper Oliver so tenderly holds in her attention on a summer day. And, if a grasshopper can be so loved, so are we loved. So are we beautiful. So are we beloved and whole. So are we precious and wild.

    And so, what is there to do but love? If our lives belong to God, if all of life belongs to God, then what else is there to do, but pray in this way that Oliver describes: To pay attention; to fall down into the grass; to be idle, and be blessed; to stroll through the fields of our lives; to live our one precious and wild life and find the way we are called to be opened up by God so that we don’t miss the beauty of the grasshopper. Or, more importantly, so we don’t miss the exquisite beauty of ourselves.

    To be opened up to our potential – becoming more and more reconciled to ourselves and, in so doing,  more and more reconciled to God. So that we may come to know that prayer and love are the same thing: An expression of curiosity and awe and devotion and gratitude.

    Today you are invited to a Holy Lent: a time of self-examination, is what our prayer book says; a time of repentance. Because we are called, not to death, but to life, to live this one wild and precious life and be fully immersed in its beauty.

    So if it is repentance, then let us repent of the practices and ways of being that deaden us. And if it is self-examination, then let us examine what it means to live and breathe and hope and pray and love.

    For what else is there to do? What else is there to do, my beloveds?

    In God’s love and mine,
    Rev. Michelle