This Sunday: Celebrating the Feast of Pentecost with Baptisms!
This Sunday, May 19, join us as we baptize three young people – Ameila, Alberto, and Joniel – into the Body of Christ together and celebrate the Feast of Pentecost. We will renew our Baptismal Vows and receive a reminder of our own baptism.
Save the Date: June 2
Help us celebrate Rev. Michelle’s ministry with us! Join us for All Ages Worship on Sunday, June 2 and a potluck party afterwards. Let’s have a festive brunch – sign-up sheets are in the vestibule.
Pentecost: God’s Holy Spirit

Dear Ones,
I think “Pentecost” is one of those words in the Christian vernacular that takes a little unpacking, especially given the landscape of American Christianity. The word “pentecostal,” when describing a church community, refers to a spirit-filled congregation.
For some, this is combined with a more fundamentalist understanding of theology and followers come to know themselves as so unusually spirit-filled that they are safe from harm (doing dangerous things to prove their faith) or they express themselves in worship through speaking in tongues or involuntary dancing.
For others, like those of us in the Episcopal Church, we use the word “pentecostal” to evoke an understanding of our willingness to lean in to the wisdom of the Holy Spirit so much so that we are called to action. Not actions that purposefully demonstrate our holiness, but actions that seem to come upon us, provoked by something beyond ourselves – provoked by God’s Holy Spirit. In this way, it is like being let loose.
But what are we let loose from? How about being let loose from our fear about being accepted or liked… or our sense of decorum about what’s proper or not proper… or our resignation about the brokenness of the world. We could be let loose to offer of ourselves in a new way. Or we could be let loose to finally say the thing that needs to be said.
A pentecostal moment then, is when we have left behind our need to control, and stepped into a new life – one in which we are accepting of and grateful for what God is already providing for us. And, in so doing, becoming ever more present to and ready for whatever life brings to us as we deepen our faith that God’s Holy Spirit will guide us.
For a time of transition, such as the one St. John’s is beginning, this knowledge that the Holy Spirit will guide us, is so important. It becomes a bedrock of our faith if we allow ourselves to step into God’s unfolding, knowing that when we show up prayerfully and faithfully, we can discern how God is calling us forward. “Your will, not mine, be done.”
So, I hope you will join us this coming Sunday for the Feast of Pentecost and join us all as we are let loose by God’s Holy Spirit.
In God’s love and mine,
Rev. Michelle
Announcements for May 19:
The Feast of Pentecost
St. John’s Office Hours
Wednesdays 10:00-12:00 noon
Phone: 845-331-2252
- Celebration of the Ministry of the Rev. Michelle Meech: Sunday, June 2 after worship. Join us for a Special Brunch and time for fellowship with Rev. Michelle and your friends of St. John’s. We hope you can come to celebrate the 8 years of service and love that Michelle has given our parish! Have time to share your goodbyes while surrounded by the love of St. John’s.
- St. John’s Prayer Chain The St. John’s Prayer Chain offers pastoral support to all the members of St. John’s. Please contact us if you need prayers or support:
- Ulster Deanery Meeting The next meeting of the Ulster Deanery is Saturday, June 22 from 9-12 at Christ the King in Stone Ridge. Please be in touch with Leah Siuta if you would like to attend. All members of St. John’s are welcome.
- South African Music Workshop: Monday, July 1 from 10-2:30, join Episcopal Parishes from all over the diocese for a South African Music Workshop at Redeemer Lutheran Church in New Paltz. Guest presenter Bongani Magatyana. Email Rev. Allison Moore to register: Donation requested but not required.
- Sunday School Assistance: Our Godly Play program is an integral part of life at St. John’s. Here’s how you can help: Volunteer to be the assistant. You don’t have to prepare, just be present for the first half of worship with the children and our Godly Play Storyteller. Please talk to Leah for more information.
- Did you know we have an Anglican Rosary? If you are interested in learning about it, you are invited to join Rita Carver, an Education for Ministry mentor, on Saturday mornings at 9:00 to learn to pray our Rosary. To sign up or learn more contact Rita at
- Page Turners Book Club meets the first Thursday of the month, at 2 pm, in the parish hall. New members are always welcome! Speak to Lynn Dennison, Barbara Johnston, or Claudette Ford for more info.
- Online Morning Prayer: Join hundreds of others from across the Episcopal Diocese of New York every weekday morning at 8:00 am. Start your day with prayer, connection, and peace. Go to
- Choir Rehearsal takes place on the third Sunday every month. Please speak with Terry Earles to learn more about the choir.
- Social Hour Sign-up: If you enjoy staying after worship for snacks and socializing, please sign up to host! The sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the vestibule. Talk to Barbara Johnston at 845-594-2181.
St. John’s Upcoming Schedule
See for more info.
May 19 Feast of Pentecost and Baptisms! Vestry meeting and choir rehearsal after worship
June 2 All Ages Worship and Celebration of Rev. Michelle’s Ministry
June 22 Ulster Deanery 9-12, Christ the King in Stone Ridge
June 23 Pastoral Care Meeting after worship
July 20 Vestry Retreat
July 21 Guest Priest – The Rev. Canon Alissa Newton, Canon to the Ordinary, Episcopal Diocese of New York. Special Forum: Join Canon Alissa after worship for a conversation about the St. John’s Transition.