St. John’s Episcopal Church
207 Albany Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401

The Good News of St. John’s

February 8th

The Good News from St. John’s Kingston

Coming Up at St. John’s


Join us this Sunday, February 11. Guest priest Rev. Heidi Newmark will preside and Leah Siuta will have a Godly Play story upstairs for our younger members. Stay afterwards for our traditional social hour.

Bring Your Palms!

Last year you received palms on Palm Sunday. Every year, we burn those Palm Sunday palms and turn them into ashes for Ash Wednesday. This way we are reminded of God’s abundant love for us revealed in the renewing cycle of creation. Please bring your palms to church on or before Shrove Tuesday, February 13. And join us that evening as we gather round the fire to pray and create ashes together.


NEXT WEEK: Ash Wednesday is February 14

The season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday. We have 2 Ash Wednesday services for the people of St. John’s and all others who wish to attend: 12:00 noon and 7:00 pm. Every year on Ash Wednesday we also reach out to the larger Kingston community. Those who have been trained as Eucharistic and/or Healing Ministers assist Rev. Michelle with the distribution of ashes to the public. Ashes-to-go during the heavy commute times of 7:30-9:30 am and 4:00-5:30 pm.

Burning the Palms: Every year we use last year’s palms from Palm Sunday to make ashes for Ash Wednesday. Please join Rev. Michelle at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, February 13 immediately next to the entrance ramp to the building for a short ceremony.


The Installation of the 17th Bishop of New York

Saturday, February 10th at 11:00am
 (please arrive by 10:30)
Join us at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine (1047 Amsterdam Avenue) for the installation of the Rt. Rev. Matthew Heyd as our 17th Bishop. The service will celebrate the life of the Diocese of New York and the church’s mission to heal the world. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend. A reception will follow the service. You can indicate that you plan to attend here:

Don’t want to drive or park in Manhattan? SPOTS ARE STILL OPEN! Free bus transportation is provided for those attending the Installation arriving at the Cathedral by 10 am. The closest bus to Kingston is will be leaving that morning from Poughkeepsie. If you’d like to ride on the bus, click here to sign up. There, you will receive more information about details.


Bad Weather? Good Question!

Are we having worship?
Tis the season for challenging weather conditions. Anytime we think there may be a travel concern due to weather, pay close attention to all of our communications channels: Instagram, Facebook, and email. Rev. Michelle will put an announcement out on Saturday sometime before 8:00 pm ONLY IF worship is either canceled OR we move the worship to Zoom. If there is no announcement, we will worship in the sanctuary as normal.

Who takes care of the parking lot and sidewalks?
We have a plowing company who comes anytime there is a snowfall of at least 3 inches. They clear the parking lot, driveway, ramp, and sidewalks. If the snow continues, however, they will wait until the snowfall is done so they don’t have to charge us twice for more than one visit.

However, if it’s a small snowfall or ice, it’s up to us as a church community to make sure our entrances and exits are as safe as we can make them. There are shovels and ice melt stored in the vestibule outside the kitchen. If you’re here on one of those sorta snowy days or if you have an half an hour to come over and make sure the ramp is clear, please do. Call or text Rev. Michelle and she can make sure you get into the building.