Reminders for In-person Worship at St. John’s: From Rev. Michelle
The recent announcement from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has muddied the waters in many ways and created a problematic situation for houses of worship, especially those of us who wish to be inclusive and ensure everyone feels welcome at God’s Table. For now we will observe all previously announced safety protocols at St. John’s. The leadership will assess the need to continue utilizing them as we move forward and as the pandemic’s grip on us continues to lessen.
Sundays at 10:00 am
Thank you in advance for observing the following guidelines for in-person worship:
- Enter and exit through the front door if you are able to. The ramp entrance is reserved only for those who need to use it.
- Everyone must wear a mask over nose and mouth while in the building.
- A 6 ft. distance must be kept by people at all times. The sanctuary has been marked off to assist with this.
- We will continue to have a cantor lead our singing and the congregation may sing but not at full voice. We are not yet ready to have the choir sing together.
- We will have Eucharist in bread only and the bread will only be handled by Rev. Michelle, including before service begins.
- Everyone will be encouraged to leave the building immediately after worship. People may gather outside to have conversations. We will not have coffee hour until further notice. NOTE: We will have food outside under tents on June 13th when we celebrate Deacon Sue’s ministry.
- No one may enter the kitchen or the parish hall until further notice so we can reduce the traffic and continue to keep the volunteers of Angel Food East as safe as possible.
- Sundays at 10:00 am will be in-person only.
- For the time being, we will hold a Sunday morning Zoom service at 8:00 am. We will assess the need to continue later this summer.
- Tuesday Compline at 9:00 pm and Wednesday Centering Prayer at 5:45 pm will continue as online services.
- NEW: We are canceling Friday Morning Prayer.
If you have questions or concerns about changes to the worship pattern, please contact Rev. Michelle.
The Incredible Ministry of the Vestry
Dear Ones: The Vestry of St. John’s is a deeply faithful group of people who meet most months throughout the year in order to discern how to best utilize our temporal assets to support our mission. I’m always impressed by the wisdom and care demonstrated by these individuals and how they work together as a ministry team.
We realize we need to communicate more with everyone at St. John’s about the Vestry’s work. To that end, our newly installed Clerk of the Vestry, Corrina Malamas, will be providing recaps after each Vestry meeting that summarize the discussions and decisions made in the monthly meeting so please look for these in future newsletters and be sure to contact one of the Vestry members if you have any questions. And don’t forget to thank them for their ministry!
In God’s love and mine, Rev. Michelle
For the month of May, here is the Vestry Meeting Recap:
- In April, the Vestry voted to hire Preservation Architecture to do a full building assessment for our upcoming building project. At the May meeting, the Vestry began putting together a team to begin planning for the capital campaign portion of this project. This also includes researching for potential grant money from the Diocese.
- Another team was created to fully develop a rental plan for the building, and the kitchen, in particular. The goal is to begin renting the kitchen sometime this fall and develop a stream of income.
- The vestry voted on two items. The first item was the approval of a contract with KCBL Carpentry to repair the sill plates in the rectory garage. The work is required due to deterioration along the base of the garage. The second vote was to re-join the Mid-Hudson Fuel Buying Co-Op, a group which allows us to negotiate the best possible fuel prices for the winter.
- Finally, the Vestry is beginning the work of creating a contact tree to direct questions to designated individuals. This will include asking parishioners to volunteer, so if there’s an area you would like to cover for the contact tree, please contact Rev. Michelle at
Announcements for
May 23, 2021
Save the Date: Celebrating the Ministry of Deacon Sue Bonsteel as she retires from active diaconal ministry. Sunday, June 13 – worship at 10:00 am in the Sanctuary and afterwards, we will have a party on the lawn in her honor. Look for an email invitation with more details this coming week!
Summer Yardwork and Gardening Team: If you’re interested in helping keep the parish grounds looking great all summer, now’s your chance. We’re putting together a rota of people to help with mowing, trimming, garden tending, and miscellaneous jobs. Contact Rev. Michelle and let her know what job(s) you prefer and if you have vacation scheduled between June 1 and October 1.
George Floyd Memorial Liturgy: May 25 marks the one-year anniversary of the murder of George Floyd, which ignited a worldwide racial reckoning. You are invited to join Episcopalians in an online liturgy of prayerful commemoration at 8:00 pm EST. Bishops from six dioceses will lead the liturgy, including a reflection by Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, a Prayer of Lament from George Floyd Square in Minneapolis, an “Act of Remembrance” from Ferguson, Missouri, and prayers from Washington, DC. You are invited to participate virtually with prayers and postings on social media in conjunction with the service.
For more information: Commemoration of George Floyd – Episcopal News Service
Organ Recitals Featuring Terry Earles: Old Dutch Church in uptown Kingston has refurbished their organ and has asked our Director of Music to help celebrate by offering his ministry of musicianship. On May 30 at 3:00 pm, Terry will perform in honor of Mary Mine. And on June 5 at 12:00 noon Terry will perform as a part of the Old Dutch Fine Arts Program.
Forward Day by Day The new devotional books are here to support your daily prayer and reflection for the months of May, June, and July. Available in both pocket-sized and large print. You can pick them up in the sanctuary next to the bulletins or email Rev. Michelle at to receive one.
Flower Memorial Dates Available! The dates are April 25th, July 18th, September 6th and October 31. If you’d like to have a date to honor someone, you can contact Elaine Lawrence at 845-532-6585 or by email at
The Page Turners is the St. John’s book club who meet every first Tuesday evening of the month for good discussion and good company. All are welcome to attend. For June 8, the book is, ‘The Midnight Library’, by Matthew Haig and the selection for July 13 is ‘Humankind, A Hopeful History,” by Rutger Bregman. Email or call Lynn Dennison for more information.
Voices Heard: A series of panel discussions sponsored by the Reparations Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of New York. The legacy of the transatlantic slave trade is deeply entrenched in the structural systems and legislative actions that govern communities today. This series of panel discussions organized by the Reparations Committee for the Diocese of New York intends to broaden awareness and deepen our understanding of the pressing topics of an intractable nature of systemic racism on education, health, economics, gender, policing and the criminal justice system, the church and more that negatively impact people of African heritage. Bringing experts, community organizers, civic leaders, clergy and laity into dialogue will help to inform us and make commitments for engagement in our own communities as we prepare our cause for action in making recommendations for the task brought forth through Resolution regarding the Reparations Fund. All panels will take place from 7:00–8:30 p.m. on Zoom. Registration in advance is required for each individual Discussion.
- Tuesday, May 25 – Educational Opportunity Denied: The Legacy of Segregated Housing
- Tuesday, June 8 – Medical Apartheid and Systemic Racism
- Tuesday, June 22 – Reaching For a Better Tomorrow: The Work and Mission of Hudson Link Working For Higher Education in Prison
- Tuesday, July 6 – The Awakening of Unwoke People: Church, Religion and State
- Tuesday, July 20 – Rectors of Color: Examining the Missed Opportunities of Deployment
For more information or to register: Webinar ~ Voices Heard: A Diocese Explores Pathways Toward Reparations – “Educational Opportunity Denied: The Legacy of Segregated Housing” (