St. John’s Episcopal Church
207 Albany Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401

The Good News of St. John’s

December 22nd

The Good News from St. John’s Kingston

This Week at St. John’s

Christmas Memorials – There is still time!

Each year, we honor those who have died and we offer thanks for the blessings of our lives through our Christmas Memorials, which are listed in our Christmas Eve bulletin. You can give to support our Christmas poinsettia fund or to our outreach offering to Episcopal Relief and Development… or both!
If you have not been able to fill out a card, simply email Rev. Michelle by noon on Friday, December 22 so your memorial can get into the Christmas Eve bulletin.

December 24: Advent IV and Christmas Eve
3 worship services, one day

10:00 am Our final worship service of Advent is a spoken Eucharist. Come for a quiet, prayerful morning before the festivities begin.

4:00 pm Christmas Eve All Ages Worship is a sing-along and story-telling service designed for younger ears. Bring along friends and family and help us all tell the story together.

8:00 pm  Christmas Eve Festive Choral Worship is when we pull out all the stops – a hymn-filled joyful celebration of Christ’s birth, including Silent Night by candlelight. This year, followed by a dessert reception! Carol singing and music recital begins at 7:30 pm.

Rectory Christmas Eve Reception – Return to A Tradition
Immediately after the 8:00 pm Christmas Eve Worship

Before the pandemic, the St. John’s Community would gather every year in the Rectory for a dessert/snack reception after the evening service on Christmas Eve. This year, Rev. Michelle and Ana are delighted to resume this tradition. All are invited to this festive event! 
If you’d like to bring something to share, please do – desserts, snacks, beverages. Or just bring yourself. If you do bring something to share, either leave it in your car during worship or bring it into the church and leave it in the parish hall.



Continue bringing your pledge cards!

The Pledge Campaign maybe over but we continue to receive pledge cards. Blank pledge cards are available beside the bulletins as you walk in. Just fill it out and place it into the plate during the Offertory.
If you are unable to come on Sunday, simply contact our Stewardship Chair Kathy Burdick at to report your pledge for 2024. Thank you for your pledge to the mission of St. John’s!


Thank you!

Dear Ones,

As I hope we understand, church is not a one-person show. I may be the one talking a lot… and I do really go on sometimes. But there are so many people who step up – especially during this time of year – to do a little more (or a lot more!) to make our Christmas celebration a truly festive occasion.First, I offer my thanks to Terry Earles our Director of Music and the entire choir who lead us in song. Terry loves his work and I am grateful for his dedication. They will be resting their “pipes” this Sunday morning, as we have a spoken Eucharistic service without hymns, so their voices will be nice and refreshed for Christmas Eve.

Next, I offer thanks to all who helped to spruce up our worship space and who stayed after worship on Dec 17 to decorate our Sanctuary – especially the Sacristan team led by Lynn Dennison. It makes a huge difference to us every year that the Sanctuary is decorated so beautifully.

I also offer thanks to our Pastoral Care team who also stayed after worship to write Christmas cards to people who are new or who may be in need of a reminder about just how much God loves them. Laura Ricci leads this effort every year and Cathe Decker makes the beautiful cards herself.

And I offer my deep thanks to the members of the Vestry – Claudette Ford and Leah Siuta as Wardens, and members Paula Wisneski, Sara Hutton, Nilsa Rodriguez-Jaca, Kathy Burdick, and Keith Ferber. They do so much of the “heavy lifting” behind the scenes, making sure that the building functions, and our financial assets are looked after.

And also our staff! Brian Silver has been doing amazing things in tending to our rental clients and being the point person for maintenance of the building. And Pat Allen makes sure that all our bills are paid. They are both terrific at their jobs.

Of course, I give unending thanks for my wife Ana. Ana has her own responsibilities as the music director at Santa Cruz, plus her own work as a retreat leader, composer, and musician… but this time of year, she always makes sure that I have what I need and she gives of herself to this community of St. John’s as much as she is able.

Finally, I thank all of you for coming to worship with your community at St. John’s. It means something to me every time I see your face in the pews and I know for sure that it means so much to everyone else who worships alongside you.

Oh… and thank you, God, for all of this.

May our final days of Advent be blessed with the hope we need in our hearts and may our Christmas be festive and joyous!

In God’s love and mine,
Rev. Michelle