St. John’s Episcopal Church
207 Albany Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401

The Good News of St. John’s

January 4th

The Good News from St. John’s Kingston

This Week at St. John’s

All Ages Worship, King Cake, and Jambalaya

This coming Sunday is All Ages Worship and, because we’re coming to the end of the Christmas season, we’ll be telling the Epiphany story, where the three magi have followed the star to witness God’s Reign of Love breaking into the world. Afterwards, we will celebrate the Epiphany with a King Cake and jambalaya, provided by Bruce Dodge. Be sure to join us!

What if it snows?

We are predicted to get our first significant snow-fall this year on Saturday night. However, by Sunday morning the streets will likely be cleared. For now, we’re planning to have worship in the sanctuary as normal.

If we cancel: Not just this weekend, but anytime there is a question about weather conditions, pay close attention to all of our communications channels: Instagram, Facebook, and email. Rev. Michelle will put an announcement out on Saturday night around 8:00 pm ONLY IF worship is canceled or we move the worship to Zoom. There, you will receive clear instructions about how to connect via Zoom.

If there is no announcement, we will worship in the sanctuary as normal.


Continue bringing your pledge cards!

The Pledge Campaign maybe over but we continue to receive pledge cards. Blank pledge cards are available beside the bulletins as you walk in. Just fill it out and place it into the plate during the Offertory.
If you are unable to come on Sunday, simply contact our Stewardship Chair Kathy Burdick at to report your pledge for 2024. Thank you for your pledge to the mission of St. John’s!


Always, We Begin Again

Dear Ones,

At the beginning of every new year, I spend the month of January reading through a small book by John McQuiston called Always We Begin Again The Benedictine Way of Living. It may surprise you that McQuiston is not a monk and was not a “well-churched” person for much of his life. However, he came to learn about the Rule of St. Benedict and wrote this small little book as a way of opening up the wisdom given to us about St. Benedict so that we could hear it more easily through our modern ears.

I highly recommend this book. The readings are short and direct, easy to make it into a daily or every-other-daily practice for this month. For there is no better time than the beginning of the calendar year to remind us that always, we begin again.

Here’s one day’s reading – a quote that is deeply meaningful to me today:

At the beginning of each day
after we open our eyes
to receive the light
of that day,

As we listen to the voices
and the sounds
that surround us,

We must resolve to treat each hour
as the rarest of gifts,
and be grateful
for the consciousness
that allows us to experience it,
recalling in thanks
that our awareness is a present
from we know not where,
or how, or why.

When we rise from sleep let us rise for the joy
of the true Work that we will be about this day,
and considerately cheer one another on.

Life will always provide matters for concern,
yet each day brings with it reason for joy.

Each day carries the potential
to bring the experience of heaven;
have the courage to expect good from it.

Be gentle with this life,
and use the light of life
to live fully in your time.

Happy New Year, everyone.

In God’s love and mine,
Rev. Michelle