St. John’s Episcopal Church
207 Albany Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401

The Good News of St. John’s

December 8th

The Good News from St. John’s Kingston

This Sunday at St. John’s
December 10, 2023


Bishop Mary Glasspool: Baptisms and Receptions
And Cookie Exchange!

Join in the special celebration of new membership on December 10 as we welcome the Right Reverend Mary Glasspool, Assisting Bishop of the Diocese of New York. Bishop Mary will preach and preside over a special service during which we will baptize 2 people and she will receive 3 people into the Episcopal Church.

Also, on December 10 we will have our Second Annual Cookie Exchange! Make 2 dozen (more or less) of your favorite Christmas cookies and bring them to church on December 10. Then, during coffee hour, choose your favorite cookies from the abundance so you have a beautiful selection of cookies for this year. More info to come!

Rock Academy Holiday Concert
Sunday, December 10, 2:00 pm


Join in the fun as Rock Academy brings their performance to St. John’s this coming Sunday. The show is free – they only ask that you bring items for the Holy Cross/Santa Cruz Soap Closet – hats, gloves, mittens, socks are all on the list. Or travel-sized personal hygiene items like deodorant, shampoo, soap, tampons/pads, band-aids, Neosporin, etc.

Learn more at


Film Screening: The Philadelphia 11
Sunday, December 10, 4:00 pm at St. James, Hyde Park


St. James’ Hyde Park will host a screening of a new full-length documentary about the Philadelphia Eleven on Sunday afternoon, December 10th. The film depicts the story of 11 women who were ordained to the priesthood of the Episcopal Church when it wasn’t within the laws of the church to do so. It’s a story of courage, faith, justice, controversy, and love.

You can learn about the film and watch the trailer here:

The event will open with a brief potluck reception at 4 pm, followed by the 90-minute screening and closing with a service of evening prayer at about 6 pm. Talk to Rev. Michelle if you’d like to carpool.


Continue bringing your pledge cards!

The Pledge Campaign maybe over but we continue to receive pledge cards. Blank pledge cards are available beside the bulletins as you walk in. Just fill it out and place it into the plate during the Offertory.
If you are unable to come on Sunday, simply contact our Stewardship Chair Kathy Burdick at to report your pledge for 2024. Thank you for your pledge to the mission of St. John’s!

Advent Learning Series: Becoming Beloved Community

Holy Cross/Santa Cruz and St. John’s Episcopal Churches
4 Evenings: Nov 30, Dec 7, Dec 14, Dec 21

Join members of both Episcopal congregations in Kingston for the season of Advent as we gather on Thursday nights to reflect on scripture, pray, and learn more about what it means to Become the Beloved Community.

We begin with a potluck dinner at St. John’s at 6:00 pm on November 30 and continue each week through the season. A wonderful learning opportunity to learn and a beautiful way to deepen the community amongst both congregations.

For those who do not drive at night, email Rev. Michelle at to access the Zoom session each Thursday.

November 30 at 6:00 pm, St. John’s – potluck dinner kick-off!
December 7 at 6:00 pm, Holy Cross Santa/Cruz
December 14 at 6:00 pm, St. John’s
December 21 at 6:00 pm, Holy Cross/Santa Cruz

Greening the Sanctuary
Sunday, December 17 after worship

It’s all hands on deck on December 17. Stay after worship as we decorate with greenery and place our candles around our worship space to prepare for Christmas. We’ll have some warm chili ready to go that morning to keep up the energy for our work.

Longest Night: A service of reflection, healing, and hope
Wednesday, December 21, 6:30 pm in person and online

On Wednesday, December 20 at 6:30 pm, we will offer a Longest Night Service, both live at St. John’s and online via Facebook Live and Zoom. A service of prayer, reflection, and healing for those dealing with loss of all kinds.

We traditionally think of the holiday season as a time of joy and abundance, but for some the pressure to celebrate can be overwhelming. Life situations and loss can heighten feelings of worry and grief. This is a service of light in the midst of darkness and the interplay of both, scheduled on the Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year.

Through music, silent meditation, scripture, and healing prayer, we reach out to acknowledge sadness with comfort and quiet remembrance, to reflect on the losses we have experienced and to remember together the real reason for the season: The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. God is with us.

Our guest musician will be composer and musician Ana HernándezWhether you are having a difficult time this holiday season or just want a moment of quiet, please come. If you know someone who is sad, struggling, or alone, invite them to attend. Everyone is welcome.

December 24: Advent IV and Christmas Eve
3 worship services, one day

10:00 am Our final worship service of Advent
 is a spoken Eucharist. Come for a quiet, prayerful morning before the festivities begin.

4:00 pm Christmas Eve Family Worship is a sing-along and story-telling service designed for younger ears. Bring along friends and family and help us all tell the story together.

8:00 pm  Christmas Eve Festive Choral Worship is when we pull out all the stops – a hymn-filled joyful celebration of Christ’s birth, including Silent Night by candlelight. This year, followed by a dessert reception! Carol singing and music recital begins at 7:30 pm.


The Season of Advent

Dear Ones,

The Season of Advent is upon us. We have entered into a time of quiet, spaciousness, preparation, and hope. I spent time tonight with the group who gathered from both the Kingston congregations – Holy Cross/Santa Cruz and St. John’s – for our Advent study and we reflected on the meaning of this season.

As I listened to people reflecting on their memories of their childhood Advent experiences, I heard stories of anticipation and delight, participation and wonder. What a beautiful way to summarize the meaning of this season.

My family didn’t participate in any Advent rituals that I can recall. So, it wasn’t until I was an adult that I discovered for myself this beautiful season and it remains my favorite season of the church year. Even when it’s a busy time, there is a sense of underlying stillness – like a deep pool of water – ready to receive whatever is coming next.

What are you discovering about Advent this year? How is your faith deepening?

In God’s love and mine,
Rev. Michelle


Announcements for December 10
The Second Sunday of Advent

St. John’s Office Hours
Wednesdays 10:00-12:00 noon
Thursdays 1:00-4:00 pm
Phone: 845-331-2252

THIS SUNDAY! Final day to bring blankets for People’s Place Project Santa.

CONTINUING THIS THURSDAY at St. John’s: Advent Learning Series: Becoming Beloved Community A joint offering by St. John’s and Holy Cross/Santa Cruz to reflect on scripture, pray, and learn more about what it means to Become the Beloved Community. Thursdays at 6:00 pm (Dec 14 at StJ, Dec 21 at HCSC). For those who do not drive at night, email Rev. Michelle to register beforehand for Zoom access.

NEXT WEEKGreening the Sanctuary  Stay after worship to help decorate the Sanctuary in preparation for our Christmas celebration. We’ll have a bowl of chili for you to keep up your energy. Choir rehearsal after worship.

WednesdayDecember 20: Longest Night Service 6:30 pm.
A space for grief, sorrow, and hope. Join us in person or online for a service of quiet prayer, readings, music, and healing on the longest night of the year. Come and be in the space at St. John’s or join online at:

Christmas Memorials All memorials and thanksgivings will be listed in the Christmas Eve bulletin. Fill out the slip and place in the envelope enclosed in the bulletin with your check or cash inside. Place it in the collection plate today or bring it back next Sunday, Dec 17. You can also use paypal by going to (Just be sure to make a note about why you’re giving), then email Rev. Michelle by noon on Friday, December 22 with the memorial or thanksgiving.
You can choose how you’d like to give:
1) Poinsettias Donations help to decorate the sanctuary for Christmas through the purchase of poinsettias. After our Christmas Eve celebration, they will be given out to people by the Pastoral Care Team.
2) Outreach Your Outreach memorial donations will go to Episcopal Relief and Development. You can learn more about the work of ERD at

Page Turners Book Club meets the first Thursday of the month, at 2 pm, in the parish hall. New members are always welcome! Upcoming selections: Jan 11: The Soul of an Octopus, by Sy Montgomery. Feb 8: The Covenant of Water, by Abraham Verghese (Long book, start early!); Mar 7: The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store, by James McBride. Speak to Lynn Dennison, Barbara Johnston, or Claudette Ford for more info.

Online Morning Prayer: Join hundreds of others from across the Episcopal Diocese of New York every weekday morning at 8:00 am. Start your day with prayer, connection, and peace. Go to to register and receive the Zoom link.