St. John’s Episcopal Church
207 Albany Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401

The Good News of St. John’s

  1. November 18th

    Coming up at St. John’s

    The Season of Advent is the season of preparation – a time to ready ourselves for Christ’s light, the Love of God that comes to us at Christmas. We have all kinds of ways for you to participate this season so look through the listing below and mark your calendars. Advent begins on Sunday, December 3 and ends on Christmas Eve.

    Advent Wreath Making
    Sundays: November 26 and December 3, after worship

    Stay after worship on November 26 and create an Advent Wreath for the coming season. Advent wreaths are a beautiful way to bring your Christian faith into your home and offer a space of quiet prayer during a busy season as we all prepare for the coming of Christ.

    Rev. Michelle will have a set of prayers to go along with your home practice of lighting the Advent Wreath. If you miss November 26, the supplies will be available on December 3 as well. For kids, pick up a paper Advent Wreath kit with special drawings ready to color and cut out.


    Advent Learning Series: Becoming Beloved Community
    Holy Cross/Santa Cruz and St. John’s Episcopal Churches
    4 Evenings: Nov 30, Dec 7, Dec 14, Dec 21

    Join members of both Episcopal congregations in Kingston for the season of Advent as we gather on Thursday nights to reflect on scripture, pray, and learn more about what it means to Become the Beloved Community.

    We begin with a potluck dinner at St. John’s at 6:00 pm on November 30 and continue each week through the season. A wonderful learning opportunity to learn and a beautiful way to deepen the community amongst both congregations.

    For those who do not drive at night, email Rev. Michelle at to access the Zoom session each Thursday.

    November 30 at 6:00 pm, St. John’s – potluck dinner kick-off!
    December 7 at 6:00 pm, Holy Cross Santa/Cruz
    December 14 at 6:00 pm, St. John’s
    December 21 at 6:00 pm, Holy Cross/Santa Cruz


    Advent Quiet Day: Mary and Joseph, Their Yes/Our Yes
    Saturday, December 2, 10-4 at Christ the King, Stone Ridge

    An Advent Quiet Day for the Ulster Episcopal Deanery
    Led by Sisters Shane Phelan and Elizabeth Broyles. the Companions of Mary the Apostle

    Mary and Joseph said a wholehearted Yes to God’s desire that they be parents of Jesus. God invites, calls and asks us to say Yes many times in our lives. What goes into that for you? Join us for prayer and reflection as we begin the season of Advent together.

    Saturday, December 2 from 10-4  Christ the King Episcopal Church in Stone Ridge. Lunch provided. Carpooling available. Click here to register,  Or call the CTK Office at 845-687-9414


    St. Nicholas Celebration
    All Ages Worship on Sunday, December 3

    Don’t forget to bring an extra shoe (or 2) on Sunday, December 3 because we’ll be celebrating St. Nicholas and talking about the surprise of gifts and blessings. Leave your shoes outside the sanctuary… and let’s see what happens!


    The Waters of Baptism: Reflecting On Baptism Together
    Sunday, December 3 after worship

    What does Baptism mean? How does it impact our personal life and our common life as a baptismal community?

    At St. John’s, we are blessed with a wide variety of experience with Baptism. Some of us were baptized when we were young, some of us were baptized as older children or even adults, and some haven’t been baptized yet.

    What does this event mean to us? Has its meaning changed as we’ve gotten older? What can we learn about Baptism that we hadn’t considered before?

    Bishop Mary Glasspool will be with us on December 10 when she will baptize a number of our members, receive some members who are coming to the Episcopal Church from other traditions, and we will all renew our Baptismal Vows.

    The season of Advent is a wonderful time to reflect on Baptism as a beginning and a renewal. Join Rev. Michelle on December 3 after worship for a lively conversation and reflection.


    Bishop Mary Glasspool: Baptisms and Receptions
    And Cookie Exchange!
    Sunday, December 10 at 10:00 am

    Join in the special celebration of new membership on December 10 as we welcome the Right Reverend Mary Glasspool, Assisting Bishop of the Diocese of New York. Bishop Mary will preach and preside over a special service during which we will baptize 3 people and she will receive 3 people into the Episcopal Church.

    Also, on December 10 we will have our Second Annual Cookie Exchange! Make 2 dozen (more or less) of your favorite Christmas cookies and bring them to church on December 10. Then, during coffee hour, choose your favorite cookies from the abundance so you have a beautiful selection of cookies for this year. More info to come!


    Film Screening: The Philadelphia 11
    Sunday, December 10, 4:00 pm at St. James, Hyde Park

    St. James’ Hyde Park will host a screening of a new full-length documentary about the Philadelphia Eleven on Sunday afternoon, December 10th. The film depicts the story of 11 women who were ordained to the priesthood of the Episcopal Church when it wasn’t within the laws of the church to do so. It’s a story of courage, faith, justice, controversy, and love.

    You can learn about the film and watch the trailer here:

    The event will open with a brief potluck reception at 4 pm, followed by the 90-minute screening and closing with a service of evening prayer at about 6 pm. Talk to Rev. Michelle if you’d like to carpool.


    Greening the Sanctuary
    Sunday, December 17 after worship

    It’s all hands on deck on December 17. Stay after worship as we decorate with greenery and place our candles around our worship space to prepare for Christmas. We’ll have some warm chili ready to go that morning to keep up the energy for our work.


    Longest Night: A service of reflection, healing, and hope
    Wednesday, December 20, 6:30 pm in person and online

    On Wednesday, December 20 at 6:30 pm, we will offer a Longest Night Service, both live at St. John’s and online via Facebook Live and Zoom. A service of prayer, reflection, and healing for those dealing with loss of all kinds.

    We traditionally think of the holiday season as a time of joy and abundance, but for some the pressure to celebrate can be overwhelming. Life situations and loss can heighten feelings of worry and grief. This is a service of light in the midst of darkness and the interplay of both, scheduled on the Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year.

    Through music, silent meditation, scripture, and healing prayer, we reach out to acknowledge sadness with comfort and quiet remembrance, to reflect on the losses we have experienced and to remember together the real reason for the season: The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. God is with us.

    Our guest musician will be composer and musician Ana Hernández. Whether you are having a difficult time this holiday season or just want a moment of quiet, please come. If you know someone who is sad, struggling, or alone, invite them to attend. Everyone is welcome.

    December 24: Advent IV and Christmas Eve
    3 worship services, one day

    10:00 am Our final worship service of Advent is a spoken Eucharist. Come for a quiet, prayerful morning before the festivities begin.

    3:00 pm Christmas Eve Family Worship is a sing-along and story-telling service designed for younger ears. Bring along friends and family and help us all tell the story together.

    8:00 pm  Christmas Eve Festive Choral Worship is when we pull out all the stops – a hymn-filled joyful celebration of Christ’s birth, including Silent Night by candlelight. This year, followed by a dessert reception! Carol singing and music recital begins at 7:30 pm.



    Rooted in Abundance:
    2023 Stewardship Campaign Continues

    Looking for pledge cards?
    They are available beside the bulletins as you enter.

    Pledge cards will be collected during worship on December 3. If you anticipate being absent that day, please bring them with you to worship and place them in the collection plate or mail them to:
    St. John’s Episcopal Church
    207 Albany Ave. Kingston, NY  12401

    They shall be like a tree planted by water, sending out its roots by the stream.
    It shall not fear when heat comes, and its leaves shall stay green; 

    In the year of drought it is not anxious and it does not cease to bear fruit.
    Jeremiah 17:8

    Studying Scripture

    Dear Ones,

    As Episcopalians, we are a part of the wider Anglican Communion and in our tradition the foundation of our faith in what is commonly referred to as the “three-legged stool.” First and foremost, is scripture – the primary source of God’s inspiration. The other two legs – tradition and reason – are other sources of God’s inspiration that give us insight and perspective. So, scripture is something we take very seriously.

    There are so many resources out there for Biblical interpretation that I think it’s important to pay attention to the lens being used for that interpretation. Why? Well, when it comes to faith and what we believe, we human beings often try to confirm our own beliefs by quoting scripture. This practice is called “proof-texting,” using the text to confirm our own biases. It’s a poor use of scripture and bankrupts our sacred texts of the inspiration we can find there.

    But we are human and a purely unbiased reading of scripture is impossible. This doesn’t mean that scripture is meaningless. On the contrary, when we learn to see beyond our own biases, we find so much more there than we could possibly imagine.

    So, I’d like to offer a resource that I’ve recently been introduced to: Dan McClellan. Dan is a scholar of the Bible and religion and his goal is to increase public access to the academic study of and combat misinformation about both. He is very disciplined at uncovering bias in scriptural interpretation so that he helps open things up like, the concept of hell and homosexuality and the Bible. In all of it, he helps us examine the assumptions that we all bring to scripture.

    I find his ministry to be such a breath of fresh air because, rather than to rely on publishing books like so many academics, Dan teaches without walls through his Instagram and Youtube channels. He posts free, short videos in which he demonstrates what it means to look seriously at our Biblical texts and examines common assumptions. He also offers online classes at a pay-what-you-can rate through his website.

    Sometimes he uses academic jargon, which can be a bit off-putting, but he is an academic and it’s hard for most scholars to use more common words because they feel the need to be as precise as possible. Most of the time, however, I find him to be rather plain-spoken and engaging.

    Interested in learning more? Google “maklelan” and you’ll find all of his work. And let me know what you learn!

    In God’s love and mine,
    Rev. Michelle


    Announcements for November 19
    Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

    St. John’s Office Hours
    Wednesdays 10:00-12:00 noon
    Thursdays 1:00-4:00 pm
    Phone: 845-331-2252
    THIS SUNDAY: Choir rehearsal after worship
    Prepping, Cooking, Packing, Driving… oh my! You can still sign up to help! Check the bulletin board in the Vestibule and sign up for shifts to help with the Angel Food East Thanksgiving Meal this year.
    Advent Learning Series: Becoming Beloved Community A joint offering by St. John’s and Holy Cross/Santa Cruz to reflect on scripture, pray, and learn more about what it means to Become the Beloved Community. Thursdays at 6:00 pm (Nov 30 at StJ, Dec 7 at HCSC, Dec 14 at StJ, Dec 21 at HCSC). For those who do not drive at night, email Rev. Michelle to register ahead of time for Zoom access to the session.

    Special Forum: The Waters of Baptism Some of us were baptized when we were really young, some of us were a little older, and some haven’t been baptized yet. Join Rev. Michelle for a special forum on December 3 after worship to talk about and reflect on the meaning of Baptism in our lives and in the life of the Church. All are welcome!Page Turners Book Club meets the first Thursday of the month, at 2 pm, in the parish hall. New members are always welcome! Upcoming selections: Dec 7: Black Cake, by Charmaine Wilkerson. (A series on Hulu!); Jan 11: The Soul of an Octopus, by Sy Montgomery. Feb 8: The Covenant of Water, by Abraham Verghese (Long book, start early!); Mar 7: The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store, by James McBride. Speak to Lynn Dennison, Barbara Johnston, or Claudette Ford for more info.

    Outreach Project: People’s Place Project Santa – This year People’s Place needs blankets for kids up to age 16 for their Project Santa. Collection box is next to the Baptismal Font. And we’re always collecting non-perishable food items for People’s Place food pantry (tuna, soup, pasta, sauce, etc.). Bring them to church and place them in the appropriate basket near the Font. Please contribute!

    Online Morning Prayer: Join hundreds of others from across the Episcopal Diocese of New York every weekday morning at 8:00 am. Start your day with prayer, connection, and peace. Go to to register and receive the Zoom link.

  2. November 12th

    Coming up at St. John’s

    Interfaith Gathering of Gratitude

    Tuesday, November 14 at 7:00 pm
    This year, more than ever, interfaith community is deeply important. Please join us for our yearly interfaith gathering at Congregation Emanuel of the Hudson Valley. Park at St. John’s and walk over.
    Volunteer! Angel Food East Thanksgiving Feast
    As we all know, service to those in need is a Christian imperative. Angel Food East is a ministry of St. John’s andyou are being asked to spend an hour… or a day… helping prepare the Thanksgiving meal that will go to the 70+ people across Ulster County who are chronically ill and homebound. It’s fun work and an opportunity to get to know others and be of service.

    The sign-up sheet is in the Vestibule or email Rev. 
    Michelle to let her know when you’re able to work on the following days: 
    Mon Nov 20: Prepping and cookingTues, Nov 21: Prepping and cooking
    Wed, Nov 22: Cooking and packing

    Advent Learning Series: Becoming Beloved Community
    Holy Cross/Santa Cruz and St. John’s Episcopal Churches

    Join members of both Episcopal congregations in Kingston for the season of

    Advent as we gather on Thursdaynights to reflect on scripture, pray, and learn more about what it means to Become the Beloved Community. We begin with a potluck dinner at St. John’s at 6:00 pm on November 30 and continue each week through the season. Not only is this a wonderful opportunity to learn but it’s also a beautiful way for us to continue deepening the community amongst both congregations.

    November 30 at 6:00 pm, St. John’s – potluck dinner kick-off!
    December 7 at 6:00 pm, Holy Cross Santa/Cruz
    December 14 at 6:00 pm, St. John’s
    December 21 at 6:00 pm, Holy Cross/Santa Cruz

    The Waters of Baptism: Reflecting On Baptism Together

    What does Baptism mean? How does it impact our personal life and our common life as a baptismal community?

    At St. John’s, we are blessed with a wide variety of experience with Baptism. Some of us were baptized when we were young, some of us were baptized as older children or even adults, and some haven’t been baptized yet.

    What does this event mean to us? Has its meaning changed as we’ve gotten older? What can we learn about Baptism that we hadn’t considered before?

    Bishop Mary Glasspool will be with us on December 10 when she will baptize a number of our members, receive some members who are coming to the Episcopal Church from other traditions, and we will all renew our Baptismal Vows.

    The season of Advent is a wonderful time to reflect on Baptism as a beginning and a renewal. Join Rev. Michelle on December 3 after worship for a lively conversation and reflection.


    247th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of New York

    “For all that has been, Thanks! For all that will be, Yes!         
    -Dag Hammarskjöld

    This Saturday, November 11 Rev. Michelle and Paula Wisneski will be driving down to the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City for the 247th Diocesan Convention to represent St. John’s as the clergy and lay delegates. Rev. Michelle’s wife Ana Hernandez has also been asked to offer her song leadership for Eucharist. The delegates will spend the day reviewing aspects of diocesan life and voting to choose those who will take up offices for the common work of the diocese.

    Please offer your prayers for safe travel and for a fruitful and meaningful day serving St. John’s. If you’re interested in viewing the proceedings or learning more about what will be discussed, please visit the website of the Episcopal Diocese of New York.


    2023 Stewardship Campaign Continues

    Looking for pledge cards? They are available beside the bulletins as you enter for worship.

    They shall be like a tree planted by water, sending out its roots by the stream.
    It shall not fear when heat comes, and its leaves shall stay green; 

    In the year of drought it is not anxious and it does not cease to bear fruit.
    Jeremiah 17:8
    Dear Friends in Christ:

    As our annual stewardship campaign for St. John’s gets underway, you will be hearing about the theme: Rooted in Abundance, and its reminder to us that we are inspired to give because so much has been given to us.  This is not transactional – we do not give in proportion to how we feel we have benefitted or suffered – rather we give because of the love we have experienced in the life of our faith.This past year, so much has happened. We joined with the congregation of Ascension Episcopal Church in West Park for our Holy Week services. The St. John’s Vestry has taken faithful action to resolve our ongoing budget deficit in two significant ways: 1) Supporting our Kitchen Rental program by hiring Brian Silver and 2) adjusting the Rev. Michelle Meech’s schedule to part time.  In September, we opened our doors to our neighborhood, throwing a wildly successful Neighborhood Block Party.  Our family ministry is growing, as is our music ministry. Yet to come is our visit from Bishop Mary Glasspool on December 10 as she baptizes and receives new members into the Body of Christ here at St. John’s.We kicked off the stewardship campaign with a special coffee hour on November 5th. Pledge statements and stewardship letters were handed out to everyone who came, and they were mailed out to those who weren’t able to be with us.We invite you to consider your financial pledge for 2024 and the ways that we are called to express the love we have experienced in our life at St. John’s.  We know that it has been a demanding year, but we hope that you will prayerfully consider increasing your pledge.  Your pledge is a commitment to nurture our parish life and will help us determine our budget for the coming year.Pledge cards will be collected December 4, 2023, as we begin the Season of Advent.  Please be sure to join us that day and place your pledge card in the basket.In Gratitude,Kathy Burdick
    St. John’s 2023 Stewardship Chair


    Being of Service to Others

    Dear Ones,

    The highest form of worship is the worship of unselfish Christian service. – Rev. Billy Graham

    I suspect that you never thought you’d hear me quote Billy Graham and, to be honest, I’m a little surprised myself. Billy and I do not have much in common when it comes to how our theology is expressed. But there is a basic, undeniable Christian imperative that its hard for anyone to ignore when it comes to following Jesus. And that is our common call to Christian service.

    The Hebrew Scriptures (the Old Testament) is never-ceasing in the mandate to serve others, which is exactly why Jesus tells us that there are only 2 commandments: First, love God. Second (which is like the first), love your neighbor as yourself. Jesus tells us, “On these two, hang all the law and the prophets.”

    But this “love” that Jesus and all the other authors of scripture talk about… is not about having a warm, fuzzy feeling for other people. Nor is it “not being judgmental” either. The Love that Jesus talks about is one that calls us out of our own worlds into a life that is in relationship with others. We’re not called to like other people. We are called to serve other people. To be of service is the ultimate worship that God calls us to. All the other things we do as church, are meant to prepare us for this service.

    I will also say this: Being of service is also really good for our mental and emotional health. When we commit to serving others, we start to realize just how much other people share the ups and downs of life. Soon, our own difficulties seem to hold less power over us and we feel less alone – more connected to others because we are more connected to ourselves.

    So, if you’ve been waiting for an invitation to service, here you go: I am hereby inviting each one of you to come out during the week of Thanksgiving and help the Angel Food East Ministry Team be of service. We have shifts on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday when you can cut/peel vegetables, stir pots, wash dishes, and pack food. Come for an hour or two… or a whole day. All of this food will be delivered to our 70+ Angel Food East clients across Ulster County on Thanksgiving morning.

    The sign-up sheet is in the vestibule outside the parish hall. So, what are you waiting for?

    In God’s love and mine,
    Rev. Michelle


    Announcements for November 12

    Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
    St. John’s Office Hours
    Wednesdays 10:00-12:00 noon
    Thursdays 1:00-4:00 pm
    Phone: 845-331-2252

    Have an announcement for the bulletin? Please send by Wednesday at noon to

    Prepping, Cooking, Packing, Driving… oh my! Check the bulletin board in the Vestibule and sign up for shifts to help with the Angel Food East Thanksgiving Meal this year. Our feeding ministry, Angel Food East, serves approximately 70 clients throughout Ulster County who are chronically homebound and face the risk of food insecurity. Help AFE make this a bountiful Thanksgiving for them. Many hands make light work and this is fun work and a meaningful way to be of service to our community during the holidays. Questions? Ask Rev. Michelle or Lynn Dennison.

    Special Forum: The Water of Baptism Some of us were baptized when we were really young, some of us were a little older, and some haven’t been baptized yet. Join Rev. Michelle for a special forum on December 3 after worship where all of us have an opportunity to talk about and reflect on the meaning of Baptism in our lives and in the life of the Church. All are welcome!

    Interfaith Gathering of Gratitude: Every year the Kingston Interfaith Council brings our congregations together in November so that we can share prayers, songs, food, and fellowship. Tuesday, Nov 14 at 7:00 pm at Congregation Emanuel of the Hudson Valley (3 doors down). This year, more than ever, joining in our interfaith gathering is important. Please make sure to put it on your calendar and join other people of faith from across our city of Kingston.

    Page Turners Book Club meets the first Thursday of the month, at 2 pm, in the parish hall. New members are always welcome! Upcoming selections: Dec 7: Black Cake, by Charmaine Wilkerson. (A series on Hulu!); Jan 11: The Soul of an Octopus, by Sy Montgomery. Feb 8: The Covenant of Water, by Abraham Verghese (Long book, start early!); Mar 7: The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store, by James McBride. Speak to Lynn Dennison, Barbara Johnston, or Claudette Ford for more info.

    Outreach Project: People’s Place Project Santa – This year People’s Place needs blankets for kids up to age 16 for their Project Santa. We have a collection box next to the Baptismal Font near our ongoing People’s Place Food Pantry Donation Basket. Please contribute! And we’re always collecting non-perishable food items for People’s Place food pantry (tuna, soup, pasta, sauce, etc.). Bring them to church and place them in the appropriate basket near the Font.

    New (or new-ish) to the Episcopal Church? If you or your child has not been baptized, we have 2 more opportunities for baptism coming up. And, if you have been baptized before but would like to be formally received into the church from another tradition, Bishop Mary Glasspool will be here on December 10 to do just that. Please speak with Rev. Michelle about either baptisms or receptions before November 26.

    Social Hour Sign-up! If you enjoy staying after worship for snacks and socializing, please sign up to host for a week. The sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the vestibule. Talk to Barbara Johnston if you have any questions.

  3. November 3rd

    Coming up at St. John’s

    This Sunday, Nov 5: All the things are happening!

    Stewardship Sunday with a Special Coffee Hour – During worship, we’ll hear from our Stewardship Chair this year, Kathy Burdick who is also pulling together a special extended coffee hour.
    All Ages Worship – It’s the first Sunday of the month and that means that our worship will have elements for all ages. We hope everyone will join in our common worship.
    Outreach Meeting – After worship, join the Outreach Committee who will discuss plans to allocate this year’s outreach funds.
    Celebration of All Saints and Commemoration of All Souls – A special day in our church calendar, set aside to recognize the wider communion of saints and remember those who have died.

    Being Baptized Into the Body of Christ and
    Being Received Into the Episcopal Church

    We have 2 dates for baptism coming up:
    December 10 (Bishop Mary Glasspool visits)
    January 7 (Celebration of the Baptism of our Lord)
    The next date for Baptism will be March 30 during our Easter Vigil. And the next Receptions into the Episcopal Church will take place on December 10 when Bishop Mary Glasspool visits. Receptions are done alongside confirmations in the Episcopal Church because they are both done by a Bishop. The next date for being received will be in June of 2024 at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in NYC.
    If you are interested in either of these rites, please contact Rev. Michelle before November 26 at
    To learn more about being baptized and being received, please visit the St. John’s website.

    Interfaith Gathering of Gratitude

    Every year, Congregation Emanuel of the Hudson Valley is our gracious host for Kingston’s interfaith gathering and the tradition continues this year, of course. But this year Rev. Michelle hopes that we can all make an effort to join the gathering: Tuesday, November 14 at 7:00 pm.

    The war between the governments of the Israelis and the Palestinians in the Middle East may seem as though it’s far away but it has a direct impact on our lives here in Kingston because, as you may have already seen, there are people who take these opportunities to spew anti-semitic rhetoric. This means, regardless of our opinions about what should or should not be happening between Israel and Palestine, we need to be concerned for our Jewish neighbors and their physical safety as well as their sense of security.

    Showing up to this event is an important message of love and support for our neighbors at Congregation Emanuel of the Hudson Valley.

    Vestry Notes for October

    • In her Rector’s Report, Rev Michelle noted that she and Rev Eliacin of Holy Cross Santa Cruz are developing an evening Advent Series that will begin on Thursday, November 30. The theme will be Becoming Beloved Community and we will have an online component for those who cannot drive at night. Stay tuned for more information.
    • The 247th Convention of the Diocese of New York is on 11/11/23. Rev Michelle and Paula Wisneski will travel to the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in NYC. The day is spent voting on candidates for Diocesan Offices and resolutions for our common life, listening to reports from various committees, and drawing on the power of a people gathered in prayer and praise. Our proclamation: For all that has been done, Thanks! For all that will be, Yes! -Dag Hammarskjöld.
    • Please join all people of faith in Kingston in attending the Interfaith Gathering on 11/14/23. We gather in particular to support the well-being of Congregation Emanuel during these heartbreaking days of conflict and peril.
    • We are excited that Brian Silver has officially joined the St. John’s family, as he begins his permanent employment with us. Although we are still fine tuning his official job title and responsibilities, Brian has already contributed so much to our parish life: he has enlivened St. John’s Kitchen rentals and we cannot thank him enough for his contributions to the wildly successful Neighborhood Block Party. He will be taking on some vital tasks like overseeing maintenance for the buildings and grounds and assisting with the St. John’s Newsletter.
    • The Vestry is starting to put into place plans for Rev Michelle’s 2024 sabbatical that will begin in April, after Easter, and continue through May and June. We are considering the coverage that will be needed and welcome any ideas or concerns you might have.
    • The Vestry will be spending Saturday, 11/4/23 conducting a Mutual Ministry Review along with Rev. Michelle. We will be led by the Rev. Allison Moore of St. Andrew’s in New Paltz as we take time to assess St. John’s ministerial goals and what role each of us plays in our common life. We will be sharing the results of this day and asking you to give us your thoughts on where St. John’s is going and how we can nurture the growth of the parish. Our theme: Looking forward not backward.

    Submitted by Kathy Burdick
    Clerk of the Vestry


    Turning Toward Hope

    Dear Ones,

    Today, the clergy of Ulster County met with our Bishop Co-adjutor, Bp. Matt Heyd. He’s always an inspirational person to be with because he listens with deep concern and compassion to the struggles we go through in our congregations. And his response is always direct and earnest. And he remembers… everything.

    (I, personally, am very jealous of this trait; immediate recall is not my strong suit. The things I need seem to pop in to my brain about 5 minutes after I actually need them. But, I digress…)

    Today, as we spoke together about various struggles, Bp. Matt listened intently, took notes, acknowledged larger structural problems, and continued to connect the things we were saying to the larger conversation. In every moment, he was compassionate and caring, and noted that “shame” is such a big part of what people experience when there are times of struggle. We think that, because we are struggling, there must be something wrong with us. Shame is difficult to move through.

    And then we were reminded that the season of Advent, which is coming up in just a few weeks, is a poignant time for us to reflect on the shame we experience. As we prepare for the arrival of hope in our lives at Christmas, we start to see through the false stories of worldly power and greatness that can create a sense of shame in us. But, as we come to learn through this season, we never find our hope in worldly power or in any of the ways we often try to find it.

    God chose the most vulnerable one to carry the light and the hope of us all. So then, may we, without shame or fear, rejoice to behold his appearing.

    In God’s love and mine,
    Rev. Michelle


    Announcements for November 5
    All Saints’ Sunday

    St. John’s Office Hours
    Wednesdays 10:00-12:00 noon
    Thursdays 1:00-4:00 pm
    Phone: 845-331-2252
    Email: stjohnskingston@aol.comHave an announcement for the bulletin? Please send by Wednesday at noon to
    This Sunday! Outreach Meeting Grab a cup of coffee and a snack and join us for a meeting of the Outreach Committee. We will be discussing the allocation of outreach funds. Interfaith Gathering of Gratitude: Every year the Kingston Interfaith Council brings our congregations together in November so that we can share prayers, songs, food, and fellowship.
    Tuesday, Nov 14 at 7:00 pm at Congregation Emanuel of the Hudson Valley (3 doors down). This year, more than ever, joining in our interfaith gathering is important. Please make sure to put it on your calendar and join other people of faith from across our city of Kingston.
    Prepping, Cooking, Packing, Driving… oh my! Check the bulletin board in the Vestibule and sign up for shifts to help with the Angel Food East Thanksgiving Meal this year. Our feeding ministry, Angel Food East, serves approximately 70 clients throughout Ulster County who are chronically homebound and don’t qualify for governmental assistance. Help AFE make this a bountiful Thanksgiving for them. Many hands make light work and this is fun work and a meaningful way to be of service to our community during the holidays. Questions? Ask Rev. Michelle or Lynn Dennison.
    Page Turners Book Club meets the first Thursday of the month, at 2 pm, in the parish hall. New members are always welcome! Upcoming selections: Dec. 7: Black Cake, by Charmaine Wilkerson. Speak to Lynn Dennison, Barbara Johnston, or Claudette Ford for more info.
    New (or new-ish) to the Episcopal Church? If you or your child has not been baptized, we have 2 more opportunities for baptism coming up. And, if you have been baptized before but would like to be formally received into the church from another tradition, Bishop Mary Glasspool will be here on December 10 to do just that. Please speak with Rev. Michelle about either baptisms or receptions before November 26!
    Outreach Project: People’s Place Project Santa – This year People’s Place needs blankets for kids up to age 16 for their Project Santa. We’ll have a collection box next to the Baptismal Font near our ongoing People’s Place Food Pantry Donation Box. Please contribute!