St. John’s Episcopal Church
207 Albany Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401

The Good News of St. John’s

  1. December 23, 2021

    Christmas Services: Changes… Please read!

    We are responding to the increasing need to keep everyone safe this holiday season by making a few changes to our Christmas worship plans.  Please read below for details.

    All Ages Christmas Eve Service  NOW ONLINE
    Friday, December 24 at 5:00 pm 

    We will now be broadcasting our All Ages worship online.  Tune in for a singing angel choir and puppets who will help us tell our most sacred story – the birth of Christ.
    Join us online by clicking here: Online Streaming Worship

    Candlelit Festive Eucharist   NOW ONLINE AND IN PERSON
    Friday, December 24 at 8:00 pm

    Our traditional festive Christmas Eve service with singing and candlelight.  Caroling starts at 7:30 pm.  Join us in person in the St. John’s Sanctuary OR online by clicking here: Online Streaming Worship

    Christmas Day Morning Prayer  ONLINE ONLY
    Saturday, December 25 at 9:00 am

    A brief service of Morning Prayer to offer song and praise for the coming of light and love into the world.  Click here to join: Online Streaming Worship

    Christmas I – The First Sunday of Christmas   IN PERSON ONLY
    Sunday, December 26 at 10:00 am

    Come for Sunday Eucharistic worship to continue celebrating the birth of Love Incarnate.  In person in our sanctuary.



    The Housing Crisis and Our Christmas Story

    Today a group of us from the Kingston Interfaith Council met with NY State Senator Michelle Hinchey. We requested the meeting because we can see the state of true emergency coming in our housing crisis once the moratorium on evictions lifts in mid-January. There are many efforts working on the long-term solution to our housing crisis but, come January, we are going to see a huge number of people without housing in the middle of winter. The good news is that Sen. Hinchey has promised to work alongside us in pushing for an immediate solution as we begin working with county officials to make a plan and put it into action. I’ll continue to be a part of this effort.

    Housing is one of our major concerns as Christians. Our most sacred story – the birth of Christ – utilizes homelessness and itinerancy as one of its themes to demonstrate the miracle of God’s work among us. In the midst of our worldly attachments and our self-centered ways, when we would rather say “Not in my backyard” or “There is no room in the inn,” we are brought to our knees because this is where we will always find God – when we open our hearts to the most vulnerable among us. So, to do whatever we can to make sure there is a safe space for everyone, is at the heart of our faith.

    If you would like to be more involved in this effort, please reach out to me. I will keep you informed as this process unfolds.

    In the meantime, if you would like to support two stellar organizations in our community who are working on the issue of homelessness and housing, I recommend: 1) Catholic Charities who runs the homeless shelter, designed to be a stop-gap solution with no capacity for the enormity of the emergency that’s coming and 2) Kingston City Land Bank who works to transform vacant/distressed properties and keep them at a low cost for Kingston residents as a way of providing social and economic development. Our own parishioner Bob Dennison is on the board of the KCLB so please talk with him more about this wonderful organization.

    One last, much more personal note: Last week, the furnace in the Rectory was deemed unusable. The Vestry is currently doing a lot of good research and discernment about a heating system that will replace the gas furnace. Please keep them all in your prayers as this is a sudden and significant decision.  Ana and I are fine and are keeping as warm as is possible with a series of space heaters in the house so that we don’t have to winterize the property and we can stay in our home. Along with our amazing wardens, Claudette Ford and Lynn Dennison, I will keep you informed as this situation progresses.

    This Christmas season, my dream for you is that you find hope in the truth of Emanuel, which means, God is with us. May you experience that hope so that you may become that hope for others.  And may you remain healthy, safe, and warm.

    In God’s love and mine,
    Rev. Michelle


    Announcements for
    December 23, 2021



    Fellowship Hour Sign up! – The Hospitality Committee invites you to sign up for St John’s Social Hour.  A sign-up sheet is posted on the bulletin board in the Vestibule.  All are welcome to offer their generosity to others & share some good conversation as well. Questions? See Barbara Johnston.

    St. John’s Pledge Campaign continues!  If you haven’t made a financial pledge for 2022 yet, the Stewardship Committee is still receiving pledges.

    The Ulster Immigrant Defense Network (UIDN) will soon be in need of volunteer tutors, to work with motivated students to improve their reading skills. If interested, please let Jeanette Baggot know. An initial prerequisite is completing a Volunteer form located on the Kingston City School District website. More details will soon be on the way!

    Page Turners Book Club: For January 4th the book is, ‘The Lincoln Highway,’ by Amor Towles. The books for the next several months have also been announced: February 1- Oh, William, by Elizabeth Strout; March 1-The Rules of Magic, by Alice Hoffman; April 5- Cloud Cuckoo Land, by Anthony Doerr; May 3- The Murmur of Bees, by Sofia Segova. Speak with Lynn Dennison for more information.

    Have an announcement?
    Please send by Wednesday at noon to

    St. John’s Upcoming Schedule
    Jan 2: The Feast of the Epiphany, transferred
    Jan 9: The Baptism of Christ
    Jan 30: St. John’s Annual Meeting and Ministry Fair
    Feb 27: Storytelling with God – More information to come soon!
    Mar 1: Shrove Tuesday
    Mar 2: Ash Wednesday
    Mar 5: Vestry Retreat at Huntington House
    Apr 10: Palm Sunday
    Apr 14: Maundy Thursday
    Apr 15: Good Friday
    Apr 16: Holy Saturday and Easter Vigil
    Apr 17: Easter Sunday

  2. December 9, 2021

    End of Year Planning

    There are several items to take note of as we close 2021 and look toward 2022.

    Pledging: Please be sure to get your pledges in.  We need both your pledge form for 2022 and your final pledge payments for 2021.  If you have any questions, please speak with Warden Lynn Dennison or Treasurer Wes Dangler.

    Outreach Meeting: The Outreach Team will meet on Sunday, December 12 at 1:00 pm via Zoom.  We will be allocating the rest of our 2021 outreach funds at this meeting.  You can join the meeting by clicking here.

    Project Santa: Please be sure your gifts are at St. John’s by this Sunday, December 12.  We’ve been asked to buy games and puzzles.  If you’d rather not go shopping, you can donate to the effort.  Be sure to notate it’s for Project Santa.

    Christmas Poinsettia Memorials and Thanksgivings: Fill out the envelope enclosed in the bulletins over the next 2 weeks with your money inside and place it in the collection plate or drop it by the Rectory. All memorials and thanksgivings need to be to Rev. Michelle before Wednesday, December 22 so they can be listed in the Christmas Eve bulletin.


    Seasonal Worship Schedule

    Longest Night Healing Service
    Monday, December 20 at 7:00 pm

    A time of mediation, quiet, and prayer set aside on the darkest night of the year to offer space for the heaviness of our lives.  Healing Ministers will be available.  This will be broadcast online: Online Streaming Worship – St. John’s Kingston

    Christmas Eve Family Service
    Friday, December 24 at 5:30 pm

    Join us as we tell our most sacred story together.  Singing and costumes and fun.

    Candlelight Christmas Eve Service
    Friday, December 24 at 8:00 pm

    Our yearly festive Eucharistic service with singing and candlelight.  Caroling starts at 7:30 pm.

    Christmas Day Morning Prayer
    Saturday, December 25 at 9:00 am

    A brief service of Morning Prayer to offer song and praise for the coming of light and love into the world.


    On Grief and Healing at Christmas

    We have all been through so much in the past couple of years as the pandemic has dominated our lives.  So many people have died. So many people have struggled economically and have had their lives disrupted.  So many people have felt utterly overwhelmed in trying to balance everything, missing their families and friends and just feeling safe in public.  I think, even if we aren’t aware of it, we are all carrying some level of grief.  If for no other reason, than to have come to the realization that the pandemic is not ending anytime soon.

    I have not been shy about sharing with you all the personal difficulties in my life that have needed time and space for reflection and healing. As you may recall, I took 3 weeks in the middle of this past summer to get some rest and spend time in retreat for reflection. I know I returned feeling energized to do my work and much more grounded to continue my healing journey.

    And I say “continue” because healing isn’t a one-stop kind of thing.  Most of us have been through enough in our lives to realize the grief that comes from trauma and loss is something that never completely “goes away.” But we can come to a place in which we have healed enough that we stop functioning from our wounded place and begin to live again. We allow hope back into our lives.  We allow ourselves to experience Love in all its fullness.

    This year, more than ever before, Christmas may be a very heavy time.  As we continue to deal with the pandemic and recognize the loss it has created in our lives. As we recall memories of people we miss.  And as we face the darkest time of the year.

    Come to the Longest Night Healing Service on Monday, December 20 at 7:00 pm. All are welcome. The Healing Ministry team has designed a very quiet, meditative service with readings, contemplative music, prayer and silence. Come and sit for a while and give yourself space for whatever you’re feeling.  The sanctuary will open at 6:30 pm for those who just want space to sit, and the service begins at 7:00 pm.  We will broadcast the service on our Youtube channel: St. John’s Episcopal Church Kingston NY – YouTube
    You can also find the link on our website at: Online Streaming Worship – St. John’s Kingston

    In God’s love and mine,
    Rev. Michelle


    Announcements for
    December 12, 2021



    THIS SUNDAY: Pastoral Care Meeting after worship in the Parish Hall. Outreach Meeting beginning at 1:00 pm on Zoom. Plus, fundraiser items are still available for sale in the Parish Hall.

    NEXT SUNDAY: Stay after the worship service to help us “green” the church.  We need lots of helpers to make sure the sanctuary is ready for Christmas.

    Christmas Poinsettia Memorials  By purchasing a poinsettia, you’re not only helping to decorate the sanctuary for Christmas, but also offering a special memorial or thanksgiving at Christmas time.  All poinsettias will be given out by the Pastoral Care team.  Fill out the envelope enclosed in the bulletin with your money inside, and place it in the collection plate.  Or bring it back next week.  All memorials and thanksgivings will be listed in the Christmas Eve bulletin.

    Longest Night Healing Service is a time of quiet and prayer set aside on the darkest night of the year to offer space for the difficulties we face during the holidays – memories, grief, loneliness.  Monday, December 20 at 7:00 pm.

    Fellowship Hour Sign up! – The Hospitality Committee invites you to sign up for St John’s Social Hour.  A sign-up sheet is posted on the bulletin board in the Vestibule.  All are welcome to offer their generosity to others & share some good conversation as well. Questions? See Barbara Johnston.

    St. John’s Pledge Campaign continues!  If you haven’t made a financial pledge for 2022 yet, the Stewardship Committee is still receiving pledges.  Send your form in with a selfie or, if you’re new to pledging, you’ll find blank forms on the bookcase near the lectern.

    Page Turners Book Club: For January 4th the book is, ‘The Lincoln Highway,’ by Amor Towles.  Speak with Lynn Dennison for more information.

    Have an announcement?
    Please send by Wednesday at noon to

    St. John’s Upcoming Schedule
    Dec. 12: Pastoral Care meeting in person after worship
    Outreach meeting at 1:00 pm over Zoom
    Dec. 19: Decorating the Sanctuary after worship
    Dec. 20 (Mon): Longest Night Healing Service, 7:00 pm
    Dec. 24 (Fri): Christmas Eve Family Service, 5:30 pm
    Candlelit Christmas Eve Service, 8:00 pm,
    caroling begins at 7:30 pm
    Dec. 25 (Sat): Christmas Day Morning Prayer (online), 9:00 am