Page Turners Book Club
It’s hard to believe but it’s been over 20 years since a small group of passionate readers got together and decided to form a parish book club.
Looking back now, we realize that calling ourselves the St. John’s Book Club wasn’t the most exciting – or inviting – name if we wanted to encourage more people to join us. True to our Episcopal nature, it took us a while to come up with a name everyone could agree upon. Eventually we came up with a few suggestions, and with the use of secret ballots and a LOT of laughter, the Pageturners was officially born.
What began as a simple way to share our love of books also became an enjoyable way to get to know one another better. The Pageturners has grown in numbers and now happily includes both parishioners and friends of the parish. We meet in the homes of members, share coffee and tea and cookies, and collaboratively select the next month’s selection. It is all quite democratic since our interests vary from classics to fiction to history to non-fiction to short stories. Some of our more creative members even tailor snacks to the themes of the book being discussed. (Reading Kafka was a distinct challenge for that host!).
The Pageturners meet on the first Thursday afternoon of the month in the Parish Hall. Keep an eye on the Sunday bulletin for more info, or check the Event Calendar.