St. John’s Episcopal Church
207 Albany Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401

Sunday Worship

Sundays at 10:00 am

Every Sunday throughout the year we worship at 10:00 am as our principle weekly service. We celebrate a Rite II Eucharist together, listen to God’s Word, sing hymns, and pray for one another and for the world in which we live.  All are welcome to worship and to receive communion. On occasion, we will come together for Morning Prayer instead of Eucharist.


The Rite II worship service in the Episcopal Church’s Book of Common Prayer reflects modern theology and scholarship and strives to offer more inclusive images of God in contemporary language. As such, there is a wider variety of prayers and hymns available for use in this worship service.

Every third Sunday, we offer healing prayers and anointing during communion. And our Lay Eucharistic visitors take communion from our Table to those who are homebound or hospitalized.

This service is followed immediately by a Social Hour in our Parish Hall hosted by members of the St. John’s community. We have a lot happening on Sundays so for a complete schedule of Sunday events/meetings, please visit our Event Calendar.


Kids’ Worship at St. John’s

Young people are always welcome at our 10:00 am worship service. We know young children sometimes make spontaneous sound and we celebrate all their exclamations and noises. We have a special area set aside just for families with smaller children where we offer right-sized chairs, carpeting, and quiet activities. Parents can also ask for an activity bag from our ushers to keep hands busy during worship in case you’d like to sit elsewhere in the sanctuary.

Additionally, our children’s formation pattern is:
Second Sunday: Godly Play
Fourth Sunday: Children’s Activity

For more information on formation for children and youth, please visit this page.

For more details about Sunday Worship, visit the page, What to expect when you worship with us.

You may also want to explore the many ways in which we worship in the Episcopal Church at Episcopal Common Prayer.