St. John’s Episcopal Church
207 Albany Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401

The Good News of St. John’s

September 3, 2022

St. John’s Fall Calendar

We’re planning all kinds of activities and events for the fall and we’re especially looking forward to the return of Godly Play to our parish calendar. Read below and reach out to Rev. Michelle with any questions you have! Look for more information on all of these events in The Good News from St. John’s Kingston. Please note that more events may be added as we move through the year.


Click here to purchase tickets to next week’s Ukraine Benefit!


Returning to the Sanctuary… with Gratitude

This week (Sept 4) is our last week worshipping in the Parish Hall for summer worship. The weather has turned a bit, we can feel fall in the air, and our beloved sanctuary is awaiting us.

So, on September 11 we will return to the sanctuary for Sunday worship and celebrate the official beginning of our fall events calendar. The choir will be together to lead us in song and we’ll worship with the beauty of our stained glass around us.

Our Director of Music, Terry Earles, has been hard at work getting some repair done on our 100+ year-old Estey organ. Terry’s friend and our sometime supply organist, Dale Ziegenfelder, who is an expert in organ repair, has been working with Terry over the summer. They have worked on the pistons and the pedals. They have cleared and cleaned the pipes. They have reconnected the tremulant (a device that regulates the air flow through the pipes). And, last but not least, they moved the pedal board (the platform that Terry and the organ console sit on) and discovered that over the years people have dropped pencils and other small items. and tried reclaiming them by shoving brooms and other items under the pedal board causing damage the wiring that is there. So, they also fixed the wiring.

They did all this during a very hot, humid summer with no air conditioning. Phew! What a gift of ministry! And Dale has done all of this work as a gift to us. Please join me in thanking Terry and Dale for all of their faithful work this summer to help us all praise God with our voices in song.

I’ll see you tomorrow in the Parish Hall and next week in the Sanctuary.

In God’s love and mine,
Rev. Michelle


Announcements for the Thirteenth Sunday of Pentecost
September 4, 2022

NEXT WEEK! Benefit Concert for Ukraine: Sunday, September 11
Arts & Crafts Tent Opens at 3:00 pm and Concert begins at 4:00 pm. The Kingston Interfaith Council is hosting the event here at St. John’s. We’ll need many hands on deck to help that afternoon. If you can help with set-up on Saturday, Sept 10, please let Rev. Michelle know!
Get your tickets now at

Page Turners Book Club: The Page Turners book group will be meeting on September 13, at 7 pm, at Jeanette Baggot’s apartment. We’ll be discussing everyone’s favorite summer reads and selecting what to read for the next few months. New members are always welcome. Speak to Jeanette, Claudette Ford, or Barbara Johnston for more information about the September meeting, or the book club in general.

Social Hour Hosting: You are invited to sign up on the bulletin board in the Vestibule to be a social hour host! Talk with our Hospitality Coordinator, Barbara Johnston for more information.

Feeding people is our jam! St. John’s Harvest is back! Join us in the kitchen to clean, chop, stir, and make cool stuff on the last Saturday of the month from 10-5. Last year, we canned jams, chutney, and conserves; made Sara’s soap, hand sanitizer, and Jocelyn’s amazing Beeswax wraps! No experience necessary. Hands of all ages welcome. Show up for shifts of 2, 4, or 6 hours, and let’s have fun while we raise money for St. John’s!  Mark your calendar: Sept. 24th, and Oct. 29th.

Flower Ministry: Every week, members of St. John’s offer a memorial of thanksgiving or honor a loved one who has gone before by supporting the Flower Ministry at St. John’s with a monetary donation. You’ll see this memorial listed in the bulletin each week. This ministry ensures we have lovely fresh flowers every week on our altar. Please consider signing up for a Sunday. Contact Elaine Lawrence at

Calling all bakers! Do you like to make things in the kitchen? Our Communion Bread recipe is easy and quick. You bake one batch, deliver the bread to the church, and we keep it in the freezer until we use it. Sign up to bake for a month (or two) this year. The sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the Vestibule.

Have an announcement for the bulletin?
Please send by Wednesday at noon to