Stewardship Campaign Update!
Stewardship Sunday has been moved to November 5 with a special coffee hour and a short Stewardship Campaign Introduction by this year’s Chair, Kathy Burdick.
This year’s theme is “Rooted in Abundance.” Our generosity is informed by the simple theological truth that God has blessed us infinitely with all of the gifts of Creation. Join us for this year’s Stewardship Campaign as we take stock and realize that our lives and our response to God’s generosity are Rooted in Abundance.
Look for a mailing and more information in our e-newsletter soon!
Being Baptized Into the Body of Christ and
Being Received Into the Episcopal Church
We have 3 dates for baptism coming up:
November 5 (All Saints’ Day)
December 10 (Bishop Mary Glasspool visits)
January 7 (Celebration of the Baptism of our Lord)
The next date for Baptism will be March 30 during our Easter Vigil.
And the next Receptions into the Episcopal Church will take place on December 10 when Bishop Mary Glasspool visits. Receptions are done alongside confirmations in the Episcopal Church because they are both done by a Bishop. The next date for being received will be in June of 2024 at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in NYC.
To learn more about being baptized and being received, please visit the St. John’s website.
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry Calls Church to Prayer
PLEASE NOTE: The hospital in Gaza that was bombed this past Tuesday is the Al Ahli Arab Hospital and is operated by the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem (not the Baptist Church as some news outlets have been reporting). This hospital takes no political stance but is now in desperate need of help. Please donate here: American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem (through which one may give to support the Ahli Arab Hospital) and Episcopal Relief and Development.
We have all been invited in the last few days to join with Archbishop Hosam Naoum and the Patriarchs and Heads of Churches in Jerusalem, as well as Pope Francis and Archbishop Justin Welby, to pray fervently for all those who have been hurt, harmed, or killed in this conflict. My heart aches when I remember visiting al-Ahli hospital in 2018 during Holy Week to meet the medical teams and all the people of that remarkable ministry. They were passionately committed to anyone who had need.
I know personally how faithful Episcopalians are in praying. During my surgery and recovery, you have prayed for me and for my healing, and I am more grateful and thankful than words can say.
Right now, I ask you to pray fervently for the birthplace of the Abrahamic faiths and for all its people. Pray for those who have been hurt, harmed, or killed—regardless of who they are or who did it.
Pray also for the leaders and people of the entire region, that they will remember God’s mercy, and that they will find the way to a just peace where all may live in safety and security as God intends.
Pray this week for President Biden, that he may be an advocate for immediate humanitarian access for those who desperately need food, water, and medicine—and for comfort and consolation for those who have been displaced and those who are grieving loved ones.
Please join me in praying:
For Peace: Eternal God, in whose perfect kingdom no sword is drawn but the sword of righteousness, no strength known but the strength of love: So mightily spread abroad your Spirit, that all peoples may be gathered under the banner of the Prince of Peace, as children of one Father; to whom be dominion and glory, now and forever. Amen.
The Rt. Rev. Michael B. Curry
Presiding Bishop, The Episcopal Church
Re-balancing Administration and Leadership
Dear Ones,
Earlier this year, the Vestry of St. John’s voted to reduce the Rector position from full time to part time. This was a necessary step to ensure the financial stability of the congregation. As I said in the months leading up to that decision, I was grateful for that conversation and agreed with the decision. The finances of St. John’s have always pointed to the need to reduce the Rector’s salary.
Since that time, the Vestry and myself have been working to re-balance the workload of the Rector. To assist with this, the Vestry of St. John’s and I will participate in a day of reflection led by the Rev. Allison Moore where she will lead lead us in a Mutual Ministry Review. Because both lay leaders and clergy leaders have ministry when it comes to administering a congregation, our combined leadership, then, must be one of mutuality.
We know that this transition is one that will take time, prayer, and intentional effort by both the leadership and the community. Our ministry in the Episcopal Church isn’t as hierarchical as we would like to think it is. It’s not all on the person wearing the collar or the funny hat. Instead, it’s more of a Venn diagram – overlapping circles of responsibility and oversight.
What, then, are the most important things for the priest to be doing? What do the lay leaders need to be tending to? What are the responsibilities of leading a congregation and how do we manage those creatively so that no one is overtaxed and all are able to participate fully in the generous life of the community of St. John’s?
And, perhaps most importantly, how do we remember that being “church” is really not about the administration of the congregation – it’s about how we serve the community around us. As Archbishop William Temple once said, “The church is the only organization that exists for the sake of those who are not its members.” (paraphrased, of course). So, if we are only worried about how to “do” church, then what are we doing?
The Vestry and I will be gathering on Saturday, November 4 for our time with Rev. Allison. If you have questions, please reach out to any of the Vestry members or myself. And please offer your prayers for the leadership of St. John’s as we discern the best way forward for the administration of our congregational life.
In God’s love and mine,
Rev. Michelle
Announcements for October 22
The Twenty-first Sunday After Pentecost
St. John’s Office Hours
Wednesdays 10:00-12:00 noon
Thursdays 1:00-4:00 pm
Phone: 845-331-2252
Have an announcement for the bulletin?
Please send by Wednesday at noon to
2023 Stewardship Campaign: “Rooted in Abundance” Begins November 5 with a special coffee hour and a short campaign introduction by this year’s Chair, Kathy Burdick. Our generosity is informed by the simple theological truth that God has blessed us infinitely with all of the gifts of Creation. Join us for this year’s Stewardship Campaign as we take stock and realize that our lives and our response to God’s generosity are Rooted in Abundance. Look for a mailing and more information in our e-newsletter soon!
Choir Recognition Sunday: Join us for a special Morning Prayer celebration on October 29 as we recognize the ministry of the choir and honor their gifts and commitment.
Page Turners Book Club meets the first Thursday of the month, at 2 pm, in the parish hall. New members are always welcome! Upcoming selections: Nov. 2: The Trackers, by Charles Frazier, Dec. 7: Black Cake, by Charmaine Wilkerson. Speak to Lynn Dennison, Barbara Johnston, or Claudette Ford for more info.
St. John’s Outreach Committee November 5 after worship. All are welcome to join the conversation about allocating resources towards Outreach efforts.
New (or new-ish) to the Episcopal Church? If you or your child has not been baptized, we have 3 opportunities for baptism coming up. And, if you have been baptized before but would like to be formally received into the Episcopal Church from another tradition, Bishop Mary Glasspool will be here on December 10 to do just that. Please speak with Rev. Michelle about either baptisms or receptions as soon as possible!
St. John’s Upcoming Schedule
Check back, more events/dates being added!
Oct 29 Morning Prayer: Choir Recognition Sunday
Nov 2 Page Turners Book Club, 2:00 in Parish Hall
Nov 4 Vestry Reflection Day
Nov 5 Feast of All Saints’: All Ages Worship, Stewardship Campaign Begins,
Outreach meeting after worship
Nov 11 247th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of New York
Nov 12 Godly Play for kids during worship
Nov 19 Healing Sunday; Choir Rehearsal after worship
Nov 26 Sunday School Activity Day for kids during worship
Dec 3 All Ages Worship: Season of Advent begins
Dec 4 Advent Quiet Day, Christ the King in Stone Ridge, 10-4
Dec 7 Page Turners Book Club, 2:00 in Parish Hall
Dec 10 Visitation from Bishop Mary Glasspool, Godly Play for kids during worship
Dec 17 Healing Sunday; Choir Rehearsal after worship
Dec 20 Longest Night Service at 6:00 pm
Dec 24 Advent IV worship at 10:00 am
Christmas Eve Worship: Family Service 3:00 pm, Choral Eucharist 8:00 pm
Dec 31 Morning Prayer
Jan 28 St. John’s Annual Meeting
Feb 10 Installation of the Rt. Rev. Matt Heyd as Bishop of New York, Cathedral of St. John the Divine, NYC