St. John’s Episcopal Church
207 Albany Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401

The Good News of St. John’s

August 18, 2023

Coming Up at St. John’s

Bible Study! 

We’re studying the Gospel of Matthew. This week, we continue our reading of the Sermon on the Mount – chapters 5, 6, and 7. Sundays 8:30-9:30 in person or Wednesday 12:00-1:00 on Zoom. If you’d like to join Wednesday’s session, email Rev. Michelle so she can send you the Zoom link. To learn more, click here

Creation Care Camp for Kids:
Registration Still Available! 

August 28-September 1
A week of summer camp centered around loving the earth, exploring the idea of environmental justice, and engaging our responsibility to care for God’s creation. We’ll use Bible stories, experiential activities, and reflection time to help us connect our spirituality with the wonder of creation. All kids Pre-K-5th grade are invited to be campers! Rev. Michelle of St. John’s and Rev. Marcella of Christ the King will lead activities.

  • The camp will be held at Christ the King in Stone Ridge. Transportation from St. John’s Kingston is available – talk to Rev. Michelle.
  • Cost: $75 for first child, $50 for each additional child. Scholarships are available. Cost should not be a barrier to participation!
  • Sample Daily Schedule:
    9:00-10:00 – Gathering, Music, Opening Prayer
    10:00 -11:30 – Workshops: Movement, Arts/Crafts, Bible Study, Snack Time
    11:30-12:00 – Closing Reflection, Music, and Prayer

To register your child: Email Rev. Michelle at


St. John’s Buildings and Grounds

Do you like to help out with odd jobs?
Do you watch Youtube videos of do-it-yourself projects?
Do you want to help out more at church?

Our wardens Claudette and Leah would like you to be a part of the Buildings and Grounds Ministry Team.
The larger jobs (plumbing, electrical, mowing the lawn) are all outsourced to contractors. What we need your help with are the smaller jobs, the things you probably do around your own home – changing out light bulbs that are hard to reach, taking down exterior signs, helping to clean out the shed, installing a new door stop, meeting a contractor to let them in, etc.

Claudette and Leah would like to have a list of 5-8 people that they can call up and say, “Would you be able to head over to the church this week and ____________ ?” And if you need help, they will find someone to help you out.

Taking care of the building, the gardens, and the land we’ve been given is not only an act of ministry, but an act of gratitude. The projects are piling up and your help is needed.

Please reach out directly to either Claudette or Leah:
Leah Siuta:
Claudette Ford:



Harvesting What Is Ready

Dear Ones,

In the Rectory Garden, as in most gardens, harvest happens at different times depending upon the plant. Cold crops, such as lettuce, peas, beets, and spinach grow better in the cooler months of April/May and September/October. They come to maturity pretty fast so they are harvested in those months, for the most part.

But, for most people who grow vegetables in this area, we are beginning the real harvest season – tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, tomatillos, beans – all coming in now. The squash plants will be ready in another month or so. This means that August and September are important harvest-centered months.

Now, I know that not all of you are gardeners. But I do think the patterns of what grows in an area have an impact on all of us, not just the gardeners. This means that everyone who lives in this part of the Hudson Valley is influenced by this rhythm, effected by the release of various molecules as the plant life around us moves through all its stages – spouting, seedling, maturing, flowering, fruiting, ripening, and death.

And here we are at the beginning of harvest. What is in need of harvesting so that it can be savored and give nourishment? I think this is the big question of harvest. It’s easy to grow plants and let them mature and re-seed. But to live as God wants us to live, I think, asks us to pay attention to what needs to be harvested. What is ready?

Maybe there is a task that is ready for your attention. Maybe there is a relationship that is ready to become deeper. Maybe there is something that is ready to be finished and enjoyed.

Whatever is ready in your life, I pray that you have the time and space to enjoy it and be nourished by its goodness. And let us all praise God for the harvest.

In God’s love and mine,
Rev. Michelle




Announcements for August 20
The Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost

St. John’s Office Hours
Wednesdays 10:00-12:00 noon
Thursdays 1:00-4:00 pm
Phone: 845-331-2252
Email: stjohnskingston@aol.comHave an announcement for the bulletin?
Please send by Wednesday at noon to
stjohnskingston@aol.comAnchor.Neighborhood Block Party! Sunday, Sept. 17 from 12:00-4:00 pm.
It’s all hands on deck to help get the word out and ensure all the people and businesses in our neighborhood are invited. Clear your schedule and be sure to sign up on the bulletin board in the vestibule for set-up and take-down duties that Sunday too!

Creation Care Camp for Kids: August 28-September 1
A week of summer camp centered around loving the earth, exploring the idea of environmental justice, and engaging our responsibility to care for God’s creation. We’ll use Bible stories, experiential activities, and reflection time to help us connect our spirituality with the wonder of creation. All kids Pre-K-5th grade are invited to be campers! Rev. Michelle of St. John’s and Rev. Marcella of Christ the King will lead activities.

  • The camp will be held at Christ the King in Stone Ridge. Transportation from St. John’s Kingston is available – talk to Rev. Michelle.
  • Cost: $75 for first child, $50 for each additional child. Scholarships are available. Cost should not be a barrier to participation!
  • Sample Daily Schedule
  • 9:00-10:00 – Gathering, Music, Opening Prayer
  • 10:00 -11:30 – Workshops: Movement, Arts/Crafts, Bible Study, Snack Time
  • 11:30-12:00 – Closing Reflection, Music, and Prayer

To register: Email Rev. Michelle at

Social Hour Sign-up! If you enjoy staying after worship for snacks and socializing, please sign up to host for a week. The sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the vestibule. Talk to Barbara Johnston if you have any questions.

Bible Study: Come and join in Bible Study with Rev. Michelle on Sundays at 8:30 am (in person) or Wednesdays at 12:00 noon (via Zoom). We are studying the Gospel of Matthew and you can join the conversation any Sunday! Everyone is welcome to pick up a one-page overview of this Gospel on the bulletin board in the Vestibule. Email Rev. Michelle if you’d like to join the Wednesday Bible Study on Zoom.

St. John’s Outreach Project – People’s Place: When you go to the store, pick up a few extra non-perishable food items for People’s Place food pantry (tuna, soup, pasta, sauce, etc.). We are also taking donations of birthday napkins/plates, candles, and gift bags in various sizes. Bring them to church and place them in the appropriate baskets near the Font.

St. John’s Upcoming Schedule
Aug 21      Vestry Meeting, 6:00 pm, Parish Hall
Aug 28-Spt 1   Creation Care Camp for Kids, 9-12 Monday-Friday
Sept 9        Choir Luncheon and Rehearsal, 11:00 am
Sept 10      Return to the Sanctuary and All Ages Worship
Sept 17      Godly Play, Healing Sunday; Choir Rehearsal after worship
Sept 17      Neighborhood Block Party 12:00 – 4:00 pm
Sept 23      Ulster Deanery Meeting, 9-12 at Holy Cross/Santa Cruz